Client's Email Address Already In Use

When adding a client to Healthie, providers have the option to add an email address. Two client accounts that share an email account are linked within Healthie, and will have the option to toggle between the respective accounts. This is an intended workflow that improves the client experience for couples, families, and care-givers. 

More resources can be found here: 

To prevent unwanted client account linking, a notification will appear to providers. 

  • Choose "Go Back" to return to the "Add Client" page and adjust the client details (ie. remove the email address or update it to a new address). 
  • Choose "Connect" to continue with the shared email and link the client accounts. 

If a client's account has been inadvertently linked, here are next steps: 

  • Request one of the clients to update their email address within their account. They will receive a new invite email to their updated address and will be able to create a new login password. This will allow them to log in separately from the other client's account. 
  • Email to request that the two client accounts are unlinked on the back end. A forthcoming update will allow provider's to manually unlink the account.s 
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