Navigating your Calendar
Within Healthie, creating and managing appointments are simplified with an easy to navigate calendar. Click the "Calendar" tab (or Organization Calendar if you are part of a multi-provider practice) and you'll find an overview of your schedule for the week, including: any one-time and recurring availabilities set, any blocked time, booked appointments, and more. Zoom in to your calendar to see more information, and click on an appointment to see full-session details.
View details about a specific session
Within Healthie's calendar, after you have booked a session, you can click on the session to view details. This is useful for understanding your day's agenda, assessing whether there are actions you need to take such as confirming an appointment, or confirming that you have written all charts / created all claims for completed sessions.
Specifically, you are able to:
- View basic client information: Hovering over the client name will showcase the phone number, date of birth, weight, group, and quick notes.
- Add charting notes: Clicking the "Create Note" button will take you directly to Charting, pre-populated with the date and time of this client session. If you'd like to add more than one charting note a specific appointment, navigate back to the session details for the appointment and click "Create Note" to add as many chart notes as needed.
- Add notes to session details: Here, you can optionally add quick administrative notes about the session for you and/or other providers or Organization members to reference without clicking on the Chart Notes link.
- Duration: Here, you are able to update the length of time with the actual length of time that an appointment session lasted. This is useful for reporting purposes, as well as for billing insurance.
- Appointment status: You are able to mark a session as occurred, cancelled, no-show, or rescheduled. Details inputted here are collated and available in your Appointments Report. A client does NOT receive an e-mail if you have marked an appointment as no-show, but it will be reflected on your calendar internally.
To access this information, simply navigate to your Calendar and click the appointment you'd like to view. A side-drawer panel will appear with your appointment details. From here, you can take several actions to update appointment details, edit your appointment or cancel the appointment.
Learn more about rescheduling and cancelling an appointment within Healthie.
Using Calendar zoom
By default, your Calendar displays in increments of 30 minutes. By clicking the "More" button on the top-right of your calendar, you'll see a "Calendar Zoom" option appear with (-) and (+) options. To zoom out, click the (-) which will change your calendar to a 60 minute increment view. Clicking the (+) option will change your calendar view back to 30 minute increments, or 15 minute increments.
Zooming in on your calendar can be helpful in viewing appointment details that are set for smaller time increments.
Calendar example, Zoomed in:
Calendar example, Zoomed out: