October 2023 Release Notes

Platform Release Notes: October 2023. Learn what new changes to the Healthie platform and mobile app that both providers and clients can expect to see. With new releases each week, make the most of Healthie's new features by bookmarking this help article and checking back frequently.

Edit Subject Lines in Automated Emails to Clients

Within Healthie, you have the ability to edit the email content that your clients will receive. This allows you to ensure that each email your client receives reflects your brand and business, and allows you to share important business information, provide additional resources, and help clients feel supported through your personalized email messages. 

This includes the ability to add a custom subject line to specific automated emails.

Review the following email templates that you can now further customize:

  • Client Invite Email
  • Appointment Confirmed Email
  • Appointment Reminder Email
  • Embeddable Appointment Created Email
  • Package Purchased Email

This capability is available for Healthie Plus plan members and above only. To upgrade your plan, send a request to hello@gethealthie.com.

Learn more about emails to clients here.

Schedule Form Requests to Clients

Healthie is further improving upon your ability to customize the cadence of form sending to clients. Instead of requiring Providers to have to manually request forms prior to a patient's appointment, we have added the ability to:

  • Schedule form requests by interval after the patient books a specific appointment type
  • Schedule form requests by interval before the patient's appointment start time
  • Schedule form requests by interval after the patient's completion of a specific appointment type

When you navigate to Settings > Calendar > Appointment Types > Appointment Settings [...], you will now see an added tab for "Before Appointment" forms scheduling, which falls between the "After Booking" and "After Appointment" tabs.

Note: In the "Select Form" drop-down, you will see ALL active forms including Charting and Program forms. Please note that the drop-down will not include archived forms.

For example, when a client is booked for this "Initial Consultation - Insurance" appointment type, they'll receive a request to fill out the "Appointment Confirmation Email" and "Signing Agreement" forms immediately after booking. If a client is scheduled for multiple sessions of the same appointment type, they'll only be asked to fill out these forms one time. If a client books an appointment with less notice than specified, the forms will be immediately delivered to ensure timely receipt. Two hours prior to your client's appointment, they will receive a "Family Test" form. Finally, one day after your client's appointment is marked as occurred, they will receive a "Charting Templates" form.

If you want to make any additional form type or form scheduling edits, please select the [...] menu which includes both "Edit" and "Remove" options.

Learn more about form scheduling in Healthie here.

New: Client Allergy Smart Field

Healthie makes it easy to pull valuable information into your charting notes, reducing errors and saving time. Documented client allergies can now sync between a client's profile and charting notes, when the Allergy form field has been added to your charting template. 

To add this field into a Charting form template:

  • Locate your charting form in the Form Builder
  • From the Charting Question Bank > Drag & Drop the "Allergy field to your Form"

Client allergies will now sync between your client charting notes and the client's profile. Allergies will automatically pull into your charting note, and any allergies added to a charting note will populate into your client's profile.

Learn more about Client Allergies here.

API & SDK Updates

All features added this month are also available directly via the API. In addition, we will be adding to this section new functionality and updates you can share with your team.

  • Added updated_at field to sentFaxes query
    • We have added the ability to assess as much detail on sent fax data via the Healthie API as possible. In particular, we will now allow customers to see when the faxes status has been flipped from Pending to Delivered.
  • Added record_created_at_field field added to FormAnswerGroupType query
    • We have added the ability for you to see the actual time at which chart notes are created (non-editable) regardless of what is entered into the Service Date/Time fields.
  • Webhook added so that Organization is notified when a fax is received, increasing the ability to integrate fax notifications into Organizations' internal processes. 
      • Webhook containsreceived_fax.created

Additional Updates

  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure cancelled appointments appear in notification history.
  • Fixed an issue when some books a notification on behalf of a provider, the client notification will indicate the appointment is with the creator of the appointment instead of the assigned provider.
  • Fixed an issue where clients were unable to confirm group appointments.
  • Fixed an issue where updating a recurring group appointment would throw an unintentional error.
  • Fixed an issue that would remove new attendees when saving edited details.

Past and Planned Updates

View all updates from last month here
See planned product updates on our Product Roadmap. Subscribe to roadmap items to get notified when they go-live.
Have a request for our team? Learn how to add feedback to a current roadmap item, or submit a new idea for our team to review. Learn how to add comments and submit feedback to our Roadmap here
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