September 2023 Release Notes

Platform Release Notes: September 2023. Learn what new changes to the Healthie platform and mobile app that both providers and clients can expect to see. With new releases each week, make the most of Healthie's new features by bookmarking this help article and checking back frequently.

Updates to Healthie + Optum Clinical Exchange Lab Orders Integration

Healthie has an important update regarding our integration with Optum Clinical Exchange Lab Orders. We have released an update that will allow Healthie users to open the Optum lab ordering iframe from within Healthie without needing to enter in a username and password. You can select "Order New Lab" from a client’s chart or “Connect Labs” from the Healthie Labs tab within the left navigation sidebar and be directly routed to the Change Healthcare Clinical Exchange “Today's Status” page. Please watch this video to see the new streamlined flow.

The Healthie integration with Clinical Exchange Lab Orders and Results (from Change Healthcare, part of Optum) is currently live for Enterprise customers. Learn more here.

Added Ability to Edit Subject Lines in Automated Emails Sent to Providers, Org Members, and Clients

Within Healthie, you have the ability to edit the email content that your clients will receive. This allows you to ensure that each email your client receives reflects your brand and business, and allows you to share important business information, provide additional resources, and help clients feel supported through your personalized email messages.  We have added the ability to edit the subject line in automated emails sent to Providers, Organization members, and clients for the Client Invite, Appointment Confirmed, Appointment Reminder, Embeddable Appointment Created, and Package Purchased emails. 

Note: This capability is available for Healthie Plus plan members and above only.

Client Invite Email

  1. The new subject line dropdown will have the existing subject line "{Provider Name} has invited you to work together on Healthie" as defaulted.
  2. The new subject line dropdown will also include the following options:
    • "{Provider Name} has invited you to work together on Healthie"
    • "Access your Patient Portal"
    • "Complete signup for your patient account"
    • "Instructions for your Patient Portal access with Healthie"
    • "Custom" - When the "Custom" option is selected, you will see an open text field that allows you to enter your own custom subject line that will appear below the dropdown.

Appointment Confirmed Email

  1. The new subject line dropdown will have the existing subject line "You've been scheduled for {Appointment Type} with {Provider Name}" as defaulted.
  2. The new subject line dropdown will also include the following options:
    • "You've been scheduled for {Appointment Type} with {Provider Name}"
    • "{Provider/Org Name} Appointment Scheduled & Healthie Instructions"
    • "{Provider/Org Name} Appointment Schedule & Patient Portal Instructions"
    • "Your appointment has been scheduled!"
    • "{Provider/Org Name} is looking forward to seeing you!"
    • "Custom" - When the "Custom" option is selected, you will see an open text field that allows you to enter your own custom subject line that will appear below the dropdown.

Appointment Reminder Email

  1. The new subject line dropdown will have the existing subject line "Your {Appointment Type} with {Provider Name} is coming up" as defaulted.
  2. The new subject line dropdown will also include the following options:
    • "Your {Appointment Type} with {Provider Name} is coming up"
    • "Reminder of appointments for {Patient First Name} at {Provider/Org Name}"
    • "{Provider/Org Name} Appointment Reminder"
    • "Reminder: Your appointment is {Date / Time}"
    • "Reminder: Upcoming appointment with {Provider Name}"
    • "Custom" - When the "Custom" option is selected, you will see an open text field that allows you to enter your own custom subject line that will appear below the dropdown.

Embeddable Appointment Created Email

  1. The new subject line dropdown will have the existing subject line "You've scheduled an {Appointment Type} with Healthie" as defaulted.
  2. The new subject line dropdown will also include the following options:
    • "You've been scheduled for {Appointment Type} with {Provider Name}"
    • "{Provider/Org Name} Appointment Scheduled & Healthie Instructions"
    • "{Provider/Org Name} Appointment Schedule & Patient Portal Instructions"
    • "Thank you for scheduling with {Provider/Org Name}"
    • "Custom" - When the "Custom" option is selected, you will see an open text field that allows you to enter your own custom subject line that will appear below the dropdown.

Package Purchased Email

  1. The new subject line dropdown will have the existing subject line "You’ve successfully confirmed your package!" as defaulted.

    The new subject line dropdown will also include the following options:

    • "You've successfully confirmed your package!"
    • "Thank you for your purchase!"
    • "Thank you for your purchase with {Provider/Org Name}"
    • "Thank you for purchasing {Package Name}"
    • "Package confirmation! Here's your receipt."
    • "Your package confirmation with {Provider/Org Name}"
    • "Custom" - When the "Custom" option is selected, the dropdown will convert to an open text field that allows you to enter in your own custom subject line.

Learn more about emails to clients here.

Added Date Filters to Client Activity Report Page

When navigating to the Clients tab (left navigation sidebar), Healthie’s reports include a Client Activity report page and a Client Metrics report page.

Previously, in the Client Metrics report, a customer could filter by date range before the report is generated, but could not filter by date for the Client Activity report.

We have added the following date filters to the Client Activity report page. These filters should work in the same way as currently available on the Client Metrics report page:

  • This Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • Last 30 Days
  • All Time
  • Custom

Added Invoices Report within Healthie Reports

The Healthie's Reporting feature is designed to keep you informed about all client, appointment, and financial activity. 

Many reports, apart from being downloadable as a .CSV file, also have an accompanying dashboard view. Reporting Dashboards take aggregate data from your reports, and create a visual report. This allows you to gain insights into your business at a glance. 

We are excited to announce that we have added an Invoices Report to allow your organization to keep track of open/outstanding invoices, ensuring that you are able to have a holistic and accurate overview of organization financials. You can filter this report by Time Period (e.g. this week) and Provider Name(s)

The report will include the following elements:

  • Unique ID
  • Invoice Number
  • Sender
  • Invoice Recipient ID
  • Invoice Recipient Name
  • Invoice Date
  • Recurring Payment ID
  • Promo Code (Optional)
  • Promo Code Discount (Optional)
  • Original Price
  • Price After Discount
  • Status 
  • Balance

Learn more about Healthie's Invoices Report here

API & SDK Updates

All features added this month are also available directly via the API. In addition, we will be adding to this section new functionality and updates you can share with your team.

  • Webhooks added so that organization user is notified when medications are updated on a patient within the patient chart
    • Webhooks containmedication.created andmedication.updated
  • Healthie offers a query that pre-generates the Zoom SDK JWT which would then be used in the Healthie app, included as part of your API access. We have updated theAppointment.generate_zoom_sdk_jwt  method to accept additional parameters, specifically:
    • sdkKey
    • role
    • mn  (meeting number)

Additional Updates

  • Minor bug fixes. Thank you for taking the time to report these issues to our team, so that we could diagnose and address these for those affected. If any of these issues persist, please let us know by contacting us at
    • We are happy to report that the Healthie team has released an update/fix for the "Creating an invoice" issue that several providers have been encountering within Client > Billing > Invoices > Create Invoice. For context, previously, after some providers had filled out all invoice information and clicked Preview Invoice > Create Invoice, Healthie would have a button saying "Email to undefined" rather than "Email to (client's name)." In addition, when viewing the full list of invoices, the created invoice would previously not show up. 
    • We are happy to report that the Healthie team has released a fix for a minor issue some providers have been encountering: clicking the link to "Add to Calendar" within Gmail is showing the appointment as repeating/recurring event. Clicking the link to "Add to Calendar" within Outlook and iCal only shows the appointment date scheduled versus all future appointments. 
    • We are happy to report that the Healthie team has released a fix for a minor issue some providers have been encountering with automatic billing. Appointment price was previously automatically changing to $0 when, outside of the Edit option, the appointment was being moved to a different position on the Appointment Types list.
  • Added ability to delete Zoom Cloud recordings for specific appointments.

Past and Planned Updates

View all updates from last month here
See planned product updates on our Product Roadmap. Subscribe to roadmap items to get notified when they go-live.
Have a request for our team? Learn how to add feedback to a current roadmap item, or submit a new idea for our team to review. Learn how to add comments and submit feedback to our Roadmap here
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