December 2023: Release Notes

Platform Release Notes: December 2023. Learn what new changes to the Healthie platform and mobile app that both providers and clients can expect to see. With new releases each week, make the most of Healthie's new features by bookmarking this help article and checking back frequently.

ONC (b)(10) Patient EHI Exports is Live!

As part of the (b)(10) ONC Certification, Healthie now provides our customers with the capability to efficiently export single and multi-patient Electronic Health Information in a secure and timely manner. Healthie supports the two use cases of single patient and patient population EHI export functionalities. EHI export is also be self-service and able to be executed at any time the user chooses and without subsequent developer assistance to operate. Finally, certified Health IT Module can limit users who can perform an EHI export.

Learn more about (b)(10) Electronic Health Information Export here.

Added Ability to Add Recurring Calendar Blocks (Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Every 4 Weeks)

Setting your availability within Healthie is an important part of your scheduling workflows. Having set availability will ensure that clients are able to see available days/times to book appointments with your business. 

If you would like to prevent clients from booking with you on a one-off basis, you can block off availability on your calendar. In order to further enhance the provider experience in the availability management process, Healthie also now allows providers to set recurring blocked time on their calendars!

If you have recurring availability set on your Calendar, you'll need to add "Blocked Time" for the days/times that you'll be out of the office (as opposed to removing your recurring availability).  

You can be as granular as necessary on recurring Calendar blocks by selecting:

  • Appointment Type: Either All Appointment Type or one specific Appointment Type
  • Location: Either All Locations or one specific Location
  • Contact Type: Either All Contact Types or one specific Contact Type

You have the ability to delete Recurring Calendar Blocks either on a one-by-one basis or ALL blocks at once.

Learn more about blocking availability on Healthie Calendar here.

Note: Clients will not be able to book over calendar blocks, but you or other Organization providers CAN book over your calendar blocks.

In addition, you cannot set a new or edit a pre-existing Calendar Block that spans multiple days to repeating/recurring (e.g. setting a Start Date of December 22, 2023 and End Date of December 23, 2023). "End Date" has to be listed as the same date as the Start Date.

Added Organization Member Setting for Group Chat Sending, Form Requests, and Program Assignments

In order to further accelerate enhancement and deployment of technical controls so that Organization clinicians cannot act broadly unless given the permissions by the Organization owner in the following areas, Healthie has added an organization member setting for "can do group level actions":

  1. Chat messaging – Enable or disable clinicians to broadcast or initiate chat across patients/community/group chat unless authorized to do so
  2. Form requests – Enable or disable clinicians to submit form requests to Client Groups
  3. Program assignments – Enable or disable clinicians to submit program module assignments to Client Groups

Learn more about customizing Organization Member Permissions here.

Access and Download Healthie Subscription Invoices

Healthie customers on a Starter, Essentials, or Plus Plans are now able to self-manage and have more insights into their subscription. If you are a Group Plan customer and navigate to your Subscriptions page, you will see your current plan and only the option to view Payment History

When you navigate to Settings (top right gear) > Subscriptions > Payment History, you are able to view your Healthie subscription plan invoices. Clicking on the link beside a particular Invoice date in the Invoice History list will allow you automatically generate a Stripe invoice which you can then either Download or download a Receipt of that payment.

Learn how to better understand your Subscription statement here.

API & SDK Updates

All features added this month are also available directly via the API. In addition, we will be adding to this section new functionality and updates you can share with your team.

[UPDATE] Rate Limits Set for Healthie API 

We have adjusted our API rate limits to the following: 

  • Maximum of 100 sign-ins per minute 
  • We will continue to adjust-down the number of calls per second according to the following timeline: 
    • Dec 1, 2023: 750 RPS
    • Jan 1, 2024: 500 RPS 
    • Feb 1, 2024: 250 RPS 

*If leveraging your own API database, we will continue to support rate limiting at 1000 RPS. 

Healthie sets limits on how many requests can made against our API within a certain period of time. We put them in place to help ensure the stability and performance of our system. If you make too many requests over that period, our system will return an error message telling you that the rate limit has been exceeded.

Additional API Updates:

  • Added ability to receive a Webhook (patient.updated ) notifying you of a change when a member of your Organization activates or deactivates a CarePlan
  • Added ability to let Appointment query be filtered by a list of patient IDs (attendee_ids )

Additional Updates

  • Minor bug fixes. Thank you for taking the time to report these issues to our team, so that we could diagnose and address these for those affected. If any of these issues persist, please let us know by contacting us at
    • Fixed a UI issue with the Organization Appointments Report view when the the Custom Date filter was updated to "All Time."
    • Fixed an issue to ensure that task.updated Webhook is only sent when the task is updated (not just opened or viewed).
    • Fixed the Blood Pressure Metric graph to show the correct date when hovering over the data point.
    • Resolved an issue so that you can now create a CMS 1500 from a Charting Note.
    • Fixed an issue with forms to ensure that they are only sent once after appointment booking.
    • Resolved an issue with individual goal reminders to ensure they are being sent to clients.
    • Updated Form Labels font size to 13px to comply with HIPPA regulations.
    • Resolved an issue to ensure that email modules on Programs show the custom sent email in the client's notification history. Also ensuring that you are able to save new custom emails.
    • Resolved an issue that was directing providers to the wrong chat message when clicking on "View Message" from the Task.
    • Resolved an issue to exclude goals that are not associated with an active Care Plan.
    • Resolved an issue to allow multiple existing tags to be added to a user at the same time.
    • Fixed an issue to ensure that insurance authorization expiry email is only being sent once per client per day.
    • Resolved an issue to ensure that the billing provider can select the Current Date when sending out an invoice.
    • Resolved an issue to ensure that users can disable Advanced Pricing on appointments if desired.
  • Added validation and an error message to Custom Email Subject Lines to ensure providers understand that variables such as {Client Name} are not supported.
  • To better allow providers to understand when an invoice is tied to an appointment, we have added Appointment ID and Appointment Data & Time to the Invoices Report.
  • We now prevent users to change the password on accounts connected with multiple organizations in order to enhance our platform's security.
  • Healthie is working on an update for the following: When a provider is receiving any sort of notification about a client, a blue banner will pop up with the client's first name + last initial instead of their full first and last name. We want to ensure HIPAA compliance in the event that a provider is in a video call with another client and sharing their screen.
  • Healthie has received feedback that several Organization providers have been able to create custom forms and templates for their intake flows despite the permission setting being disabled by the Organization admin for ALL providers. We are currently working on an update/fix to restrict Organization members from receiving shared forms if the "can_edit_forms" permission is enabled.

Past and Planned Updates

View all updates from last month here

See planned product updates on our Product Roadmap. Subscribe to roadmap items to get notified when they go-live.
Have a request for our team? Learn how to add feedback to a current roadmap item, or submit a new idea for our team to review. Learn how to add comments and submit feedback to our Roadmap here
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