Having Clients Purchase a Program

Tie your Programs with client packages to enable clients to be able to purchase a specific program, and be automatically enrolled. You can then view a client's profile to see which programs they have been enrolled in. 


How to Add a Program to a Client Package 

You can add a program to any existing client packages, or you can create a new package for your program. You can also offer your program along with a bundle of other services that you offer (ie. program and consultations). Your program can be free or at a cost, depending on your business goals. 

When a client purchases that package from you, they will be automatically enrolled in that program. Clients will receive no more than 1 email notification per day regardless of how many modules become available to a client on the same day

To add a program to a new client package: 

  • Billing > Client packages > Create new package 
  • In "Included items" scroll to the bottom to "Programs" and select your program from the drop-down. You can add several programs in a single package if you'd like. 
  • Add payment details to your package. If you wish, you can also make the package FREE. This is often done if you'd like to offer your program as a way to generate new leads/prospects for your business. 
  • Save your package

Learn more about creating client packages here.

There may be cases in which you want to associate a program with a specific provider; at this time, you cannot associate one program with a provider. However, if the client signs up through a package, you can associate the package to the provider. The client will be assigned to the provider and program. You can read how to associate a provider with a package here

Additionally, if a client signs up for a program (without purchasing the actual package associated with the program), this will bypass the payment. You will have to manually charge the client or send them an invoice to receive payment for the program. It is best practice to have the client purchase the package first, then enroll in the program, to avoid having to retroactively bill clients. 

View Which Program(s) Your Client is Enrolled In

Within your client's profile Client > Select Client > Overview, you will be able to see a detailed view of which programs your clients are enrolled in, and what they have completed / not completed within a Program. 

You are also able to "nudge" your client by sending them a reminder e-mail, if you'd like to prompt them to view a module that is available to them. To do this, click on the [...] and then select "Nudge client." 

Additional Resources

Visit our blog to learn more about best practices for building and pricing a program.

Sign up for our Deep Dive Program Webinar to learn more on how to create a program and how to advertise your program to your clients -- Deep Dive Program Webinar

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