Add and remove clients in a program

Once your program has been created, the next step is to start adding clients. This can be done either manually, by adding existing clients to your program, or automatically, by adding your program to a client package. 

Note: At the moment, you can only add or remove clients in a program if the provider has the "Can create, edit, archive, and delete programs" permission enabled within Member Settings > Organization Shared Resources. Additionally, your organization members are able to enroll and remove clients in a program if you have enabled the "Can enroll and remove clients from programs" permission for that member within the same Organization Shared Resources list.

Manually add existing clients to a program

Once you have your program set up, you can manually enroll existing clients into the program. To get started, find your program and click > EDIT. 

  • Click in the box under "Add Clients and Groups" and select the client or client group you would like to add to the program.
  • You also have the ability to customize the start date for a particular member or group of the program.
  • If a client purchases a package that contains a program, he/she will automatically be added to the program.

Add clients to a program through a package

Alternatively, you can create a package for your program, or add your program to any current client packages. When a new or existing client purchases this package, they will automatically be enrolled in your program.

Learn more here.

Remove clients from a program

If for any reason you no longer want a client to be enrolled in your program, you can manually remove them. 

  • Click on the "Clients" tab of your Program.
  • Click on the "x" to remove a client. He/she will no longer have access to previous and upcoming program modules.

Note: If your client is part of a Group, and that full Group has access to a Program, and you would like to remove access for a particular client in the group, you will need to remove the Client from the Group that has access to the Program, in order to be able to remove the client from the program. 

Note: If your client is enrolled/has purchased a Package that includes a Program:

  • If your client defaults on the package, and is considered "Unpaid" he/she by default will NOT be removed from your program, and still have access. If a client is not planning to pay, please remove them from a program manually (Healthie does not automate this, in the event that you'd like to offer a grace period to your client).

Leveraging Healthie's API

Healthie makes available the same API that we use to build the Healthie UI as an add-on to our Enterprise plan. Many Organizations leverage the API to build out additional automations. Here are examples of how the API can be used to enhance this feature:

  • Automatically stop a client's access to a program after a designated amount of time
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