How Clients Experience Programs

Programs are designed for your clients to complete independently. The content that you've included in your program will be dripped out at the cadence you've indicated. Your client must use their Healthie Client Portal in order to view all of the module content types and can do so by logging in from their computer of the Healthie mobile app. 

Program Email Notifications to Clients

Once a client has been added/enrolled into a program they will start getting email notifications every time new content is shared with them. If you've created a "Fixed Start" program, the time that you selected as the start of your program (ie. 11 am) will be the time that each new module becomes available to your enrolled participants. 

Clients will receive an email notification at the time the module becomes available. 

Clients will receive no more than 1 email notification per day regardless of how many modules become available to a client on the same day. If a client is enrolled in multiple programs, they will receive 1 email notification per day, per program. 

If the only module for the day is an Email Module, then the client will not receive an additional notification email. Rather, they will receive the Program Email only. 

Note: if a client has multiple care team members, Program notifications/emails will list the primary assigned provider as the sender.

Within Healthie, clients can navigate to their "Programs" tab from the web browser or mobile app. Here they will see any of the program that they have been enrolled in. 

Clients can: 

  • Start a program 
  • Continue a program they have already started 
  • Review the details and program overview for enrolled programs 

Viewing Different Module Content Types 

If your module is an "email" content type then the email will display in its entirety for your client to view (from both the web browser and the mobile app).

Documents, videos, and forms, however, will not display in your client's email. They will receive an email notification alerting them to a new module that is available, and they will click a button "View New Module" that will bring them into their Healthie Client Portal. They will need to login (either on desktop or mobile). 

If the document is a powerpoint, your client will be prompted to download the powerpoint (versus viewing within program). This is a limitation of Microsoft's ability to allow viewing within a browser for PPT, and requiring a download. If you would like to have clients view your material in-browser or in-app, we recommend converting your Powerpoint file into a PDF. 

Once a client starts a program, they are able to easily navigate through the available modules. Modules that are not yet available will show with a lock icon -- this way your client can see what is upcoming, but won't be able to access the materials until the date you've indicated. 

Healthie automatically keeps tracks of modules that have been completed, so clients know where they are currently at within the program. 

Clients Accessing Program Documents 

Within a Program, from the web browser or mobile app, clients are able to click on a module containing a document, and view their document directly within Healthie. 

Alternatively, clients can also access program documents (from available Modules) by going directly to their "Documents" folder in Healthie. Documents from a client's programs are automatically added in a "Programs" folder within the client's "Documents" section -- with a sub-folder automatically created for every program they enroll into. 

When viewing a document, clients will also see the option to Download the resource directly onto their computer or mobile device. 

Accessing Programs on Mobile 

Clients are able to complete a program when logged into their Healthie Client Portal on their computer, or from the Healthie mobile app. Any new clients that have purchased your program through a package will automatically receive an email prompting them to download the Healthie app. You can share the help article below with your clients if they need help downloading or logging into their account: 

Healthie iOs and Android App (for clients)

Once logged into the Healthie app, your client can access their program by:

  • Clicking the hamburger menu (the 3 lines) on the top-left of the app 
  • Select "Programs" from the menu 
  • Tap the program they want to view 

All available program modules will be displayed. Your client can tap the module to see details. Modules that they have not yet started will show as "Start" while completed modules are marked "Completed." Clients are able to click on a module to view the corresponding information and resources you've included. As your client access modules and completes any included work, you'll be able to keep track of their progress

Client Access to a Program That Has Ended

Once a client has completed a Program, they will continue to have access to the Program Content, until you manually remove a client from a Program. Learn how you can remove a client from a program here

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