Create or Edit a Program

Healthie's Programs feature enables providers and organizations to store and automatically distribute content to clients on a time-release schedule. This is commonly used for sending videos, quizzes, and documents in a curriculum-like setting for a set period of time.

Create a New Program

Step 1: Click on Programs in your main dashboard (Note: Programs are accessible on Healthie's Practice Plus plan and above). 

Step 2: Click on "Create Program" and enter a program title, description, and benefits of your course (you are able to modify these descriptions later). Before a client purchases your program, they will be able to view this information. You can also select a coverage image, either using a default Healthie image, or by uploading your own image.

There is a 700 character limit for Program descriptions. If you've created a landing page, or have additional information to share regarding your program, we suggest adding a link (or hyperlink) to an outside landing page that may contain more information.

For the best results with your program cover image, please use an image with an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a minimum size of 480 x 270 pixels.

Step 3: (Optional) Add an introductory video for your course. This will be visible to clients when clients view the course description. To add your video, you must have a sharing link, which can be obtained by uploading your video to Youtube or Vimeo. 

Step 4: Select your Program Type (Rolling start or Fixed Start)

Fixed-date programs begin on a set start date (that you determine) and finish on a set end date (that you determine). Modules are released and accessible to your clients starting from the set start date. All clients enrolled in a fixed-date program will receive their modules at the same date/time according to your module release schedule. For a fixed start program, when you select a start date and time, the time you select will be when the program emails or modules are released each day. 

Rolling enrollment programs are available for clients to join at any time, and there is no fixed start date. A client can purchase a rolling enrollment program and run through it on their own schedule, based on the module release schedule that you establish for the programs. For a rolling start program start program, you can individually edit the times when program emails and modules are released each day. To do so, navigate to the program you want to edit. Click on "Edit" and navigate to the "Clients" tab within the program. You can see a list of clients, and click on the pencil icon to edit the release time for each client. 

More details available here

Step 5: Click "Create & Continue"

Add Modules to a Program (documents, audio files, videos, emails, forms, and more)

Modules are essentially pieces of content that are distributed on a day that you indicate. They can be an email, form, video, or document. You can add one piece of content to a module, but if you have multiple modules for release on the same day, they will be released together. There is no limit to the number of modules that can be added to a program.

Additionally, you have the option to make a module required when adding or editing a module.

Add an email to a module:

Your emails are written and saved within Healthie. All of your emails are saved in your Email Templates > Program emails. You can reuse an email from a past program, or create a new one. Emails go directly to your client's email address, and they will not have to log in to Healthie to view this content. However, if they do log into their Healthie Client Portal on the web browser or mobile app, they will be able to see the email content within their program content/module. Scroll below to learn more about adding a new Program email. 

Add a form to a module:

Forms like surveys and assessments can be built using Healthie's Form Builder. These can then be added to a Program for completion as part of a Program. Your clients will be able to complete these forms when logged into their Healthie client portal on the web or mobile app, on the day in which you release them during a Program. If you have forms or assessments and would like our team to help you build them out within Healthie, email us 

Add a video to a module:

Add a link to your video to add it within a module. Your clients will be able to view these videos when logged into their Healthie client portal. To obtain a link for your video, you must upload it to Youtube or Vimeo, and ensure that the video isn't listed as private. 

Add an Audio file to a module: 

You can select an audio file directly to a program by selecting the "Document" content-type and then either finding the file from your library, or by uploading it directly to your computer. Currently, only .mp3 files are supported (not .m4a or .mov)

Convert .m4a files to .mp3 files using the Music App on macOS. The subsequent MP3 files could then be uploaded. More information on converting file types can be found here: Convert a song to a different file format with the Apple Music app or iTunes for Windows

Convert .wav to .mp3 using a converter. Here is a tool you can use:

Add a document to a module: 

To share handouts, word docs, spreadsheets, and PDFs to a module, please upload it to your Document's library within Healthie. You can then search for, and attach, these resources as a module. Your clients will be able to view these resources when logged into their Healthie client portal. Once your clients viewed the document in their program, a Programs folder is automatically created in the clients document section with that program document. 

Add a Google Doc to a Program

If you would like to connect to a Google Document as part of a Program, here are instructions to do so (note: Google Document URL will be linked to within the Program, and client will be prompted to view the URL in a new browser tab). In most cases, it will make sense to build your Google Document as a "Form" within Healthie. 


Add Emails to a Program

If you choose to create a new email for your program, you are able to do so by selecting "Email" from the module content type and clicking the link "Add New Program Email." Give your new email a subject (you can change this later) and click "Add Module." 

You'll automatically be brought to the Email template creator within Healthie. You can add the email content copy to your email and preview the email to see what your clients will receive. When you're done, you can "Save" your email template. Your program module will automatically distribute your email, and you can go back to edit your email at any time, learn how here

Note: Email modules are sent directly to the client. For example, if you have 3 email modules being released on the same day, the client will receive 3 different emails. On the other hand, if you have added 3 form modules being released on the same day, then the client will only receive 1 email notifying them they have content available in their program.

Ordering Program Modules

After you select your module content, you can complete the remaining module details, including: 

  • Module Title: the module title is visible to clients. 
  • Add a Date of Release: This will determine the "days into the course" that the content will be delivered. For example Day 1 will distribute content on the day you add a client to a course. Day 7 will distribute content on the 7th day from when you add a client. 

Keep adding course materials until you have built out your curriculum. Reminder: adjust the "how many days" number for education modules to be distributed on a given cadence.

Note: If you have multiple modules for the same day, Healthie's system will throttle notifications, such that clients will not receive notifications for multiple module releases on the same day.

Edit an Existing Program & Re-ordering Modules

Editing an existing program

  • To edit an existing course, select the module > Edit / Delete
  • You are able to continue adding modules to your program, even if clients have started receiving materials. This is true for modules scheduled out in the future, as well as modules that "should have been received" on Day 1. 
    • As an example, if your client is on Day 3 of a program, and you add a module that is set to be released on Day 1, the client will see that added module first when viewing the Program next, and then see the remainder of content e.g., Day 3 releases. 

If you have a DOCUMENT included in this module, you are able to change the attached document by either:

  1. Choosing a new document from the drop-down. Only documents that are currently uploaded to your Healthie Documents will display > Click "Update Module." 
  2. Uploading a new document from your computer. Click the "Or Add New Document" option. A "Choose File" button will appear. Find your new document, click upload > Click "Update Module."

Adding modules to a live program

There may be an instance in which you'd like to continue adding content to a Program that already has clients enrolled. If you add modules to a program after it has started or after clients have enrolled in the program, clients will receive these modules, and will be notified when you add additional elements to your program. 

Re-ordering modules in an existing program

There may be instances in which you need to re-order modules within the same day. To do this, click on the module you'd like to modify the order of, and determine the Order among other modules that are set for the same day

Copy (Duplicate) a Program

There may be instances in which you would like to Copy a Program you have been created in Healthie. For example, if you ran a Fixed Date course, and would like to run this course again, but make updates to the date, order of modules, or anything else, you may want to copy the program, to preserve your initial program. 

To do this: 

  • Press the dropdown next to "Edit" of the program you'd like to copy. 
  • A duplicate program will appear in your programs list, with the name "Program Name - COPY"
  • You are able to change the name of this program by finding "Program Name - COPY" and pressing "Edit"
  • Clients enrolled in the original program are NOT enrolled in the Copied Program. 

Add Multiple Pieces of Content to a Module

You are able to add Documents, Videos, and Surveys into one module by creating a Form, and then adding this Form as a module. 

If a client viewed a document in a form, the document will appear in the client's main documents section. 

Adjust the Time Modules Become Available 

When a client is enrolled into a program, modules automatically send at the time that they've been enrolled. You can change the time for individual clients by navigating to: 

  • Programs > Find Your Program > Edit 
  • Click the "Clients" tab
  • Find the group or client you'd like to change the time for > click the Pencil Icon next to "Start Date"  
  • Select a new Send Time 

Note: You can also edit the date that the client has "Started" the program.

Share a Program with Another Healthie Provider

You are able to share Programs that you have created with:

Add an iFrame to a Program

Adding an iFrame to your program is available on the Healthie Enterprise Plan. If you would like to learn more and set this up, please e-mail us:

Once you have set this up, in the Form Builder, select "Agreement" and drag over "Embed External Website." When you edit that module, you can add an iFrame URL. 

The URL is in this format:>; .Please note that you need to include either http:// or https:// at thebeginning of the URL.

You control the width and height of the iframe via the params at the end ofthe URL. We support 'percent', 'vh', and 'px' as height width types.

The iFrame modules will pass in the Client's User ID and parent URL on an active membership. 

Additional Resources

Read more about Healthie's Programs, as well as the benefits of running a wellness program here

We also recommend that you join our Deep Dive Programs Webinar to learn more on how to create a program and how to advertise your program to your clients -- sign-up: Deep Dive Program Webinar

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