Use an External Video Call Link

There may be instances where you'd like to host an individual or group call through a video conferencing platform outside of Healthie.  This can be done by creating an appointment and opting-in to include an external video call link. This link will be included in the appointment details for both provider and client(s) to join the call. 

The option to configure an account to support a default external video call link can be enabled in the account's Video Call Settings by an account admin. Additionally, a unique external video call link can be configured on a per provider basis, if preferred. 

This advanced video call setting is available to all Healthie Plus plan members and above. 

Add an External Video Call Link to an Appointment 

When creating your appointment, you will now see the option to select "Provide External URL for Video Chat" > paste the URL. 

Join a Video Call via External URL

Once the appointment is created, the session details will contain a clickable "Video Link" > providers can click, edit, or copy this link. 

Clients will be able to join their call the same way they would join any Healthie video call. 

1. When logged into Healthie, they can click to join their appointment 

2. In their confirmation email, there is a blue "Join Video Chat" button which will push to the external URL 

Note: the benefit of using Healthie's built-in telehealth feature is that no plug-ins or additional logins are needed for a client to join a video call. Please keep this in mind as you prompt clients to join external video call platforms, as requirements for these platforms may exist. You can customize automatic email(s) to clients as necessary to help communicate any instructions to clients (ie. edit the confirmation and/or appointment reminder emails for virtual appointments). 

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