Disable Client Journaling

Healthie's Journaling feature enables clients to log key nutrition and lifestyle information into their platform. As a provider, you are able to customize this experience for your clients, as well as view, comment, and react to client entries as part of providing longitudinal engagement with your clients to augment care. 

However, we recognize that journaling, or specific aspects of journaling, may not be applicable for your client care. As such, journaling is a highly customizable feature that can be adjust for an individual client, group of clients, or even as a global default. 

You can choose to toggle-away certain journaling features, and display others. 

Alternatively, you can disable journaling altogether for your client(s). 

Adjust Journaling Settings & Notifications

You can set defaults for what you'd like clients to track. Learn how to adjust these defaults on the global, group, and individual level here

If you'd like your clients to have the option to journal, but do not want to receive notifications, you can disable this notification in your accounts Settings. 

Settings > Notifications > New Journal Entry Added (deselect) 

You'll still have the option to review journal entries in your Journal feed, or within the client's profile, but you will not see a notification in the bell icon or receive an email alerting you to new entries. 

Disable Journaling for All Clients 

Click the settings wheel on the top right of your Healthie provider account (next to your profile picture). You'll be able to select or deselect any preferences from each of the settings categories. 

Note: the changes you indicate here will be over-rides by any preferences you indicate in the group or individual client level 

In the JOURNAL ENTRIES section of settings, you'll be able to customize food journal, metrics, and fitness settings as well as customize the notifications that clients receive for goals. 

Deselect all journaling settings that you wish to disable. 

Why Can My Client Still See Journaling Options? 

If you've disabled journaling as a global default for your account, it will not update any clients that currently have group settings, individual settings, or Care Plan settings applied to their account. 

In this instance, you will need to go to your client's settings (and/or to the care plan applied to their account) and disable journaling for their account.

Follow the steps outlined here to adjust your client's journaling settings

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