Disable Chat

Healthie's Chat Feature enables providers to securely message and communicate with clients, from within the web platform, and through the mobile app. 

With Healthie's chat feature, you can message your clients one-on-one, create group chats, send message blasts, and even message other wellness providers in your organization. This is a powerful way to stay engaged with clients in between sessions, as well as securely discuss health information. Many providers also use the Chat platform to discuss appointment logistics, as it is often faster than e-mail and/or phone conversations back and forth. 

However, there may be instances where you prefer not to allow a client to message you, and/or to participate in community chats. In these instances, Healthie enables providers to easily adjust the settings to disable chat for an individual client, group of clients, or all clients. 

Disabling Chat prevents clients from sending & receiving messages. If you wish to simple adjust or turn off chat notifications for an individual client, group of clients, or all clients, please refer to our separate help guide: Adjust Chat Notifications


Overview: Disable Chat 

There may be instances in which you'd like to Disable Chat for all, some, or specific clients, examples of which could include:

  • You'd like this to be a part of a concierge program available to select clients
  • You'd like to reserve communication with clients for during a session, not in between
  • You have a client that is abusing your standard communication policies
  • You'd like to disable a client from participating in Group/Community Chats

Direct Messaging vs Community Chat 

There are two setting features related to disabling chat: 

Allow Direct Messaging: if unchecked, client will retain access to previous one-on-one conversations, but client will not be able to send any new one-one-one conversations. 

Allow Community Chat participation: if unchecked, client will retain access to any previous Community Chat conversations, but the client will not be able to send new messages in the Community Chat conversation. 

Disable Chat for an Individual Client

You can adjust chat settings (direct messaging and/or community chat participation) within Healthie within the "Journal Entries" settings. These settings can be adjusted on the global, group, or individual client level. 

To turn chat off for an individual client, you can navigate to their client profile:

  • Select Actions from their profile > Settings
  • Scroll down until you reach the Chat Settings
  • Uncheck the boxes for the chat settings that you'd like to disable (see the section below) 
  • Save to apply updates

When chat is disabled for a client, this is the message that they will see within the chat area: 

Note: when chat is disabled for your client, they will not receive any message blasts that you send. Before sending the message, you will see a notification that that "Chat is unavailable for [client name]" or the client's name will be gray/crossed-out. If you want to reactivate chat for the client, you can go back into their client settings and update the chat preferences. 

Turn Off Chat for All Clients

If you prefer not to Chat with any clients, you can disable the chat setting(s) in your global settings. 

Gear Icon > Settings > Chat > Journal Entries > Deselect the Chat-related settings

Note: this will only disable Chat for new clients that you have added to your account. For existing clients, you'll need to disable their Chat settings within their Client Profile (as outlined above) 

Enable Chat for a Client

To turn chat back on for your client, simply go back to their client profile settings, and re-check the chat settings that you would like to enable.

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