Enterprise Plan: Onboarding, Training & Support

This guide serves as an overview to help you make the most of Healthie, with links to resources and support that we provide, for our Enterprise Plan

Kickoff, Onboarding, and Training

Healthie takes a hands-on approach to setting up your organization, helping your team learn the platform, training your team, and providing ongoing support, as needed. Our goal is to empower your organization with the know-how to successfully navigate the Healthie platform to build relationships with your clients and improve your business's operations. 

On average we see Organizations "Go Live" with Healthie in 4-6 weeks, though have run implementation processes on a shorter and longer timeline, depending on variables like complexity of build, internal processes, etc. 

Included in your Enterprise Plan, Healthie offers both dedicated support resources and community support channels for you and your entire team, to help make the most of the platform and set it up for your specific needs.

  1. Dedicated support resources: Your dedicated account manager and solutions engineer are well-versed in your business, and serves as your day-to-day point of contact to guide you through kick-off, onboarding, implementation, and ongoing training. You can schedule meetings with your dedicated support representatives over video / screenshare. This can be one-time, or if you would find helpful, we can schedule (cancellable) recurring meetings on a regular basis. 
  2. Community resources: Healthie offers a comprehensive, high-quality library of resources to help you and your team learn how to use Healthie. We also offer a ticketing system, with fast responses, to ensure that your questions (and those of your clients) are answered in a timely manner. 

Dedicated Support Resources

You can schedule meetings with your dedicated support representative and/or solutions engineer over video, screenshare, and phone calls. This can be one-time, or if you would find helpful, we can schedule (cancellable) recurring meetings on a regular basis. 

  • Example topics covered in meetings:
    • Kick-off call(s) and trainings for your team to review the fundamentals of getting set up with your account and address questions
    • Ongoing check-in calls, support, and training for new and existing team members
    • Best practices in leveraging a feature for your Organization
    • Roadmap review and feature feedback
  • Slack channel support: Does your Organization use Slack for team communication? We can set up a collaborative channel with you, to make it easy to reach us for technical questions that arise.

If you are on our Enterprise plan, please reach out to your dedicated support representatives to schedule a meeting. If you do not know who your representatives are, please email hello@gethealthie.com.

Community Resources

Healthie offers a comprehensive, high-quality library of resources to help you and your team learn how to use Healthie. We also offer a ticketing system, with fast responses, to ensure that your questions (and those of your clients) are answered in a timely manner. 

Community Implementation Materials

  • Please review this Admin Implementation Guide - Healthie -- this is a meaty guide that contains videos & resources for your review and mastery of Healthie, and will serve as a strong foundation for setting up your account
  • Please add additional members of your team following these instructions: Add a provider
Please share these resources with admins, IT professionals, and providers that will use Healthie:

Additional Resources

We recommend bookmarking the following links and resources, referring back to this list, and sharing these resources with your team, as you continue to make the most of Healthie:

SLAs and Expectations for Asynchronous Support

Like you, we seek to provide a world-class customer experience, with the philosophy that it's important for us to get you fast, accurate responses to questions that you have about Healthie. Here are some recommendations & best practices on using our async support tools: 

  • Product documentation:
  • Status Page:
    • Here is our status & uptime page. We're in the process of adding a live feed to Healthie & third parties, and will update this link when it becomes available. 
  • Support e-mail addresses:
    • We utilized shared inbox systems (via Helpscout) in order to provide you with fastest possible responses to your questions by submitting tickets
      • hello@gethealthie.com: E-mail this address for all communication with our team (including account config, integrations, bug reports, product feedback, etc). Your inquiry will be routed to your account rep, our tech support team, or another member of our team who can answer your question as quickly as possible. We aim to review all inquiries within 24 hours. 
  • Implementation tracker: 
    • As part of your onboarding, you will receive an implementation tracker from our team.
    • We recommend you review your Organization's implementation tracker for a:
      • Checklist of activities to complete to configure your Healthie platform (Complete Phase 1 async with your team)
      • Timetable for Provider Training
      • Vehicle to stay coordinated about ongoing questions that you have about Healthie / items that our team is working on for you
  • Slack: 
    • Slack is a great tool that allow our teams to stay coordinated async during implementation and on an ongoing basis. Unfortunately slack was not designed to be a customer support tool, and as a result we find that there a limitations for all types of inquiries & ideas that you may have about Healthie (e.g., a non-urgent piece of product feedback, for which it is best to reach us via the support e-mail addresses). Additionally, slack is not HIPAA-compliant, so we request that you do not send PHI or sensitive information over slack. We enjoy using slack to communicate with you about: 
      • Developer Qs
      • Post-meeting re-caps from our team for coordination
      • Very urgent flags / questions

Like you, we are always improving our processes - if you have ideas on how we can give you a better success experience, please let us know (e-mail hello@gethealthie.com).

Preparing for Your Kick-Off Call

Kick-off calls are typically 30-45 minutes in length, and we recommend having the first meeting be the main point of contact that you'd like to have for Healthie, as well as other managers that you'd like to have involved with decision-making as you set up account permissions. Product team members, clinical team directors, coaching leads, etc, are encouraged to join. 

During this kick-off call, we will align on a plan for provider training and other roll-out. 

Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your kick-off call to set up your Healthie account

  • Prepare your client list for import: Put together excel file of: First Name, Last Name, E-mail Address, Phone Number, Primary Provider, any other demographic and add this to "Documents" section in Healthie. More information here
  • Send us intake forms and charting templates you would like our team to build for your account. More information here.
  • Review your team's implementation tracker (which you'll receive via e-mail or slack)
  • Request a fax line if you would like one for your Organization 
  • Branding questionnaire: If you have a web white-label, semi white-label, or mobile app white-label, as part of implementation, we'll have you complete a branding questionnaire, which is located within your implementation tracker spreadsheet. Please coordinate with your team internally to complete these questions and ensure that we receive relevant brand assets. Need access to your spreadsheet? Email hello@gethealthie.com
  • Review Healthie University: Watch our tutorials to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of Healthie

Regular Recurring Meetings

We encourage our Organizations to attend weekly meetings with a member of our team in order to align on any open items, implementation questions, upcoming feature releases, or anything else. These are cancellable, but helpful for ongoing alignment. These are typically scheduled for 30 minutes. We recommend having the main point of contact for your team join, as well as other team coordinators (e.g., coaching leads). 

For our Organizations leveraging the API, it may also be helpful to have recurring technical meetings with your developer team, on top of async support via Slack. If you are interested in setting these up, please Contact Us: hello@gethealthie.com

Product Roadmap & Feature Requests

We continue to release updates to our platform, based on your feedback. Our goal is to provide a transparent, collaborative, and efficient process for collecting your feedback so that we can continue to improve our software. Here are some resources you can review to see what we are working on:

  • Feature Voting Boards: Share product feedback for Healthie, or submit a request for a new feature / update to an existing feature
  • Product Roadmap: Review our upcoming and planned releases, share your requests and feedback
  • Product Release Notes: Review recent releases that we have made to the platform. 
  • Monthly Product Newsletter: Get a monthly recap of what's new to the platform straight to your inbox. To get added to our mailing list, please send an email to hello@gethealthie.com with the email(s) you'd like to ensure are added to our Newsletter list. 

Contact Us

Want to help you make the most of Healthie. If you want to discuss ways to leverage Healthie to further grow your business, email hello@gethealthie.com

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