Adjust Chat Notifications (for Providers and/or Clients)

Healthie's Chat Feature enables providers to securely message and communicate with clients, from within the web platform, and through the mobile app. 

However, there may be instances where a provider and/or client does not wish to receive a notification every time a chat message is received, either from a direct message, or a community chat. These notification settings can be adjusted by both providers and clients, respectively. 

Disabling chat notifications will still allow a client to send and receive messages. If you wish to completely disable chat for an individual client, group of clients, or all clients, please refer to our separate help guide: Disable Chat.  

Providers: Enable/Disable Chat Notifications

By default, the Healthie provider who organized an individual or community chat will receive a notification every time there is a new entry within the chat. If you prefer to not be notified, you can disable chat notifications for individual and/or community chats for your account. 

Providers can enable or disable notifications from their Account Settings. 

  • From the web or mobile app, clients can navigate to their Settings > Notifications > Chat
  • Providers can select/deselect the option to be notified of new 1:1 chat messages and/or new messages in community chats

Additionally, providers can customize which format the receive notifications including push notifications (on their phone) and/or email. 

Clients: Enable/Disable Chat Notifications

Clients can enable or disable notifications from their Account Settings. 

  • From the web or mobile app, clients can navigate to their Settings > Notifications > Chat
  • Clients can select/deselect the option to be notified of new 1:1 chat messages and/or new messages in community chats

Additionally, clients can customize which format the receive notifications including push notifications (on their phone) and/or email. 

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