Group Charting Notes

One of the core features of Healthie is a HIPAA-compliant Electronic Health Record (EHR). Healthie's charting system allows providers to take notes on clients during or after a session for both individual and group client sessions. As a cloud-based EHR, you are able to log into your Healthie provider account from anywhere to access your records, without putting your client's private health information at risk. 

For group appointments, providers have the option to create a group charting note. Group charting allows provider to save time documenting sessions for couples, families, support groups, and more. 

Group Chart Notes in Healthie enables: 

  • The creation of a single (editable) charting note documenting a multi-client sessions 
  • The ability to simultaneously add notes for each individual client in attendance 

Create a Group Charting Note Template 

Group charting is intended for providers to take notes on the session as a whole. Hence, specific client data/fields are not recommended for this style of documentation. To get started with group charting, we recommend creating a new charting template for your group session(s). 

Create and Modify Charting Templates

Please note: Prefilling and Smart Fields don't apply to group notes

Tracking Attendance in Group Charting Note

When a Charting Note is created from a Group Appointment by going to Calendar (left navigation sidebar) > Appointment block, all clients scheduled for the appointment appear in the Individual Client Notes section of the Group Charting note. Some providers only expect clients that were marked as attended to appear on the Charting Note.

To solve for this issue, when a Charting note is created from a Group Appointment after tracking attendance, all clients scheduled for the appointment will continue to appear in the Individual Client Notes section of the Group Charting note, but Clients who were marked as having attended the appointment will appear at the top of the Individual Client Notes section. Meanwhile, clients who were NOT marked as having attended the appointment will appear below Clients who were marked as attended.

To the right of clients who were marked as attended should appear "(Attended)" as shown below. Clients that were marked as "Attended" will always appear on top in alphabetical order by last name, followed by clients who weren't marked as "Attended" in alphabetical order by last name.

Initiate a Group Chart Note

To get started with Group Charting, would be to create a group appointment and schedule a group session on your calendar. Once clients are added, you can launch your session and click "Not Written" under Chart Note to start documenting your group session. 

Select your Group Chart Note Template from the drop-down. 

Complete the Group Chart Note Details 

After selecting your charting template, you can complete your charting template, as well as add notes for each individual client. The charting note will ONLY be added to a client's account if there are individual client notes added. If there are no individual client notes, then a charting note will not be saved.

Once saved, the charting note status in the appointment field will show that the note has been created for each individual client. 

Click any client's name in the appointment details to return to the charting note. Alternatively, you can go to the charting section of any client that attended the group session by navigating to Clients > Client Name > Charting . Select "Edit Group Note" to make changes to update your note. 

Any updates made to the group notes section of this charting note will automatically be applied to all session attendees' charting notes when saved.

Add Notes for Each Individual Client

For each client included in the group appointment, a free-text field will appear. The charting note will ONLY be added to a client's account if there are individual client notes added. If there are no individual client notes, then a charting note will not be saved.

When individual client notes are added, these will be included at the bottom of the group charting note, within the client's charting. Client specific notes will only appear in their individual account, not within other clients' accounts. 

Share Post-Session Summary

Sharing a post-session note will allow you to select relevant fields form the charting note, with the following sharing/options: 

  • Create a downloadable PDF 
  • Add the session notes to your client's documents for them to view (session notes get added to a folder called "Session Notes" and clients are notified via email of their new document). 
  • Send as a Fax if you have e-Fax enabled for your account 

Note: Sharing a group charting note will not automatically share it will all clients. The charting note will need to be shared with each client individually by navigating to their Client Profile > Charting > View chart note > Share Note.

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