Appointment Statuses and Automations

Healthie is designed to make the booking process simple for both practitioners, and clients.

Once an appointment is added to the calendar (either by the client or the healthcare provider), providers can adjust the Appointment Status. By default, all appointments will have no status. 

Appointment Statuses include: 

  • Occurred
  • Cancelled
  • Late Cancellation
  • No Show
  • Re-Scheduled

Providers can click on an appointment within their calendar, select the appropriate status, and Save.

Billing Automations for your Calendar

There are several automations that can tied to your appointment statuses including: 

Appointments Dashboard & Reporting 

The Appointments Report enables you to download details and records of appointments scheduled within the platform. Use this report to reconcile client appointments by provider, by location, and run analyses on appointment no-show rates, amongst other needs. Appointment Statuses are included data within this report. 

Visit the Appointments Report Dashboard to see high-level appointment details, and filter by Appointment Status. 

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