Fixed Start and Rolling Start Programs

When creating a program on Healthie, you have a choice to designate this program as "Fixed Start" or "Rolling Start." This controls how a client can enroll in your program, and what type of experience they will have. 


Fixed Start Programs 

Fixed Start programs begin on a set start date (that you determine) and finish on a set end date (that you determine). Modules are released and accessible to your clients starting from the set start date. All clients enrolled in a fixed-date program will receive their modules at the same date/time according to your module release schedule. 

Programs that start and end on a specific date are considered a fixed-start program. These types of programs allow a group of clients to begin the same program at the same time and move through the modules collectively. You may choose to have clients engage with each other (ie. create a group chat, or offer weekly group sessions) — but this is optional.

For a fixed start program, when you select a start date and time, the time you select will be when the program emails or modules are released each day. 

Benefit: Many wellness providers choose this type of structure when running short-term programs that are meant to be engaging and drive new business. These types of programs can be run periodically throughout the year, or even one-time, depending on your business goals. For example, a New Year Wellness Challenge can run every January or 30-day Sugar Detox program can run once every season.

Allow late enrollment:  

If a client is enrolled past the start date, they will automatically receive all previously released content. This allows them to immediately catch up with the rest of the enrolled members in regards to accessible content. 

Rolling Start Programs 

Rolling Start programs are available for clients to join at any time, and there is no fixed start date. A client can purchase a rolling enrollment program and run through it on their own schedule, based on the module release schedule that you establish for the programs. 

A wellness program for individual clients to enroll in on a rolling basis is considered an  evergreen program, that you want to continue to offer over time. It doesn’t matter when a new client joins. As they are added to your program, they independently receive the program content on the timeline you selected.

For a rolling start program start program, you can individually edit the times when program emails and modules are released each day. To do so, navigate to the program you want to edit. Click on "Edit" and navigate to the "Clients" tab within the program. You can see a list of clients, and click on the pencil icon to edit the release time for each client. 

Benefit: Evergreen programs offer a way to continue to gain revenue all year round. You can work on building up a few, solid wellness programs, that really enhance your ideal clients’ experience when working with you (ie. you work with eating disorder clients and you offer a comprehensive “Intuitive Eating Program”). You’ll have to continue to market you program, but it helps with client retention and success.

Best practices for program enrollment 

Fixed start programs are typically used when you want a cohort or group of clients to all begin at the same time. 

  • a weight loss challenge
  • tied to a scheduled series of webinars you are hosting
  • corporate wellness program that begins and end in a business quarter 
  • a limited program you are offering 

Rolling start programs are best used for:

  • a program that does not require provider guidance or engagement
  • content being sold for passive income for your practice
  • content that is meant to enhance whatever packages you are selling 
  • meal plans, health tips etc.

Additional Resources

Read more about Healthie's Programs, as well as the benefits of running a wellness program here

We also recommend that you join our Deep Dive Programs Webinar to learn more on how to create a program and how to advertise your program to your clients -- sign-up: Deep Dive Program Webinar

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