Have Clients Complete a Form or Intake Flow Outside of Healthie

Healthie enables providers to collect information from clients via electronics forms, both inside the platform and externally. The most common use case is to add forms to an intake flow, which will automatically trigger to send a completion request to a client.

Additionally, form(s) can be embedded into a website, shared with a link, or added to a client package for existing or new clients to complete. This functionality is available to members on our Plan Plan and above. 

This article covers having a single form, or an intake flow, created as embed code that can be added to a website or as a sharing link.

Use Cases

  • Have prospective or new clients to complete a specific form (ie. Prescreening questionnaire, survey) as part of initial onboarding, and have this information create a client profile and store completed form information. 
  • Have prospective or new clients complete an intake flow (series of forms) as part of initial onboarding, and have this information create a client profile and store completed form information. 
  • Have existing clients complete a form (ie. feedback survey, learning assessment, information update requests, etc), which will automatically save and store within their Healthie account upon completion 

Embed or Share an Intake Form

An Intake Form is a single form that a provider/business can access from Healthie's form library, or self-build within the platform. 

Note: There are specific default forms from Healthie's form library that cannot be shared through an embed or sharing link, including: Billing Info, Insurance Form, Photo ID, Profile Picture. 

To obtain an embed code or sharing link for a specific form: 

Navigate to Forms > Scroll/Search for Form > [...] >Share & Embed

Add to website link (Embed Code) >Copy Code 

Sharing Link >Copy Link

Preview: See the live version of your form as your customers will see it once it is shared, or embedded. The primary color can be set for the form (side bar and submit button) to reflect your company's branding. Only one color can be set per form. 

By default, Healthie will add a section to the form to collect client information including: 

  • First Name, Last Name 
  • Email Address
  • Phone

If a new client completes this form, they will be added as a new client to the provider's Healthie account. 

  • The completed form will automatically be stored in their client profile for the provider to review.
  • The client will be assigned to the provider who created the form sharing link or embed code, and the provider will receive a notification email that a new client has been added to their organization. 
    • if a support member creates link, no provider will be assigned. 
  • The client will not be assigned to a group. 
  • The client will not receive a welcome email to join the Healthie platform.
    • Providers can invite the client manually to the platform by sending a client invite
    • Clients will automatically be prompted to complete account signup if an appointment is scheduled with them, or if they purchase a package. 

If an existing client completes the form, the form will be available in their existing client profile for the provider to review. A client is only considered an existing client if they use the same name and email they already have in Healthie.

The default questions completed by Healthie cannot be removed, as there would be no way to then connect & store the collected information to a client's account. 

Clients will see a confirmation screen, letting them know that their answers have been saved. 

Providers will be able to access & review the submitted form within the Client's Profile > Charting > View Charting Notes

Embed or Share an Intake Flow

An Intake Flow is a series of intake forms that a client can be requested to complete at one time. Provider can build different intake flows within their Forms > Intake Flows.

This feature is available by request to any members on our Plus Plan and above. There is no additional cost for this feature.

If you are interested in enabling this capability, please email hello@gethealthie.com with thename of the form or intake flow that you would like created as embed code or a sharing link.

Requests can take up to 3-5 business days to process.

Important Notes:

  • If any of the Healthie forms below are included in an intake flow, these specific forms would automatically be excluded from the embed / sharing link page:
    • "Welcome"
    • "Insurance Form"
    • "Billing Info"
    • "Profile Picture"
    • "Photo ID"
  • The fields below will automatically be added at the top of the first form in an embedded / shared intake flow. It is suggested that you do not include any of these fields in a form that you want to include in an embed / sharing link page, since they would be duplicated.
    • "First Name"
    • "Last Name"
    • "Phone Number"
    • "Email Address"

Additional Resources

Learn more about adding/embedding a form to an Appointment Type here and/or Client Package here.

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