Archive or Close a Chat Conversation

Many providers archive chat conversations to keep conversations organized, and identify conversations that no longer need a response; think of archiving a conversation like archiving an email thread. Archiving is to help providers keep their list of chat conversations organized according to their preferences. For example, if a provider archives a conversation, that does not archive the conversation for the other participant(s).

Alternatively, closing a conversation ends the conversation for all participants. When a conversation is closed, clients will see that the conversation has been ended, and will not be able to add any replies. Closing a chat is ideal for ending a community group chat or discontinuing an individual client from continuing to message. However, closing a chat does not disable Chat for a client, this can be done within the client's settings.

Archive a Chat Conversation

To archive a conversation: 

  • Click to open the conversation you'd like to archive. 
  • Click [...] at the top right > Select Archive 

Clients will not know that you have archived the conversation. To continue messaging with your client, you'll need to start a new conversation.

Note: If a client is archived, you can respond to their chat message, but you will see a banner notification letting you know that the client is archived.

Accessing Archived Conversations

You can access all Archived conversations within your chat inbox.

  • Go to your chat inbox from the web browser 
  • Click the drop-down arrow under "Visibility" 
  • Choose "Archived Conversations" 

You'll now be viewing all archived conversations. If you are viewing ALL conversations within your chat inbox, you can also search by a client's name. Both active and archived conversations will be displayed. 

Unarchive a Chat Conversation

To unarchive a conversation:

  • Filter chats by Visibility > Archived 
  • Click to open the archived conversation 
  • Click [...] on the top right > Select Unarchive

Close a Chat Conversation 

As an alternative to archiving a conversation, providers can also close a chat. Clients will still be able to see the conversation, but they will not be able to continue responding. Individual and/or group conversations can be closed. Clients will have the option to reply to a chat conversation with their provider, unless the provider has disabled Chat for their account. 

Only providers can re-open a closed chat. They can do so by clicking on the message thread > Re-Open Conversation

Archive or Close a Conversation from the Mobile App 

Conversations can also be managed directly from the mobile app

  • Open the chat conversation when logged into Healthie's mobile app
  • Click [...] on the top right
  • Select your action from the menu (archive, close, etc). 

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