Zoom: Create an Internal Team Meeting in Healthie

Healthie's direct integration with HIPAA-compliant Zoom comes with several features and capabilities designed to create engaging video calls and webinars. Some of these features are automatically included within Healthie's direct integration with Zoom, others can be enabled for your account on request. You can review Zoom capabilities that are available (or not available) via Healthie here

This article covers how to create a virtual team meeting within your Healthie provider account. This is intended for members on our Group or Enterprise plan levels. The team member attempting to create an internal team meeting will need to have certain calendar permissions enabled for their account. If they are unable to do-so, please have an admin on the team adjust their settings, or have the admin directly follow the steps below. 

Create an Internal Team Zoom Call

There may be instances in which you'd like to host an internal meeting with team members, and use your Zoom account within Healthie for this.

1. Add a new Appointment Type to your Calendar Settings 

Navigate to Settings > Calendar > Appointment Types 

If you do not have the option to edit or add appointment types, an admin will need to enable the related calendar setting permissions for your account. 

  • Name your appointment type (ie. Team Meeting) 
  • Set it as a Group appointment 
  • Disable the option for clients to book this appointment type (clients will not see it as an option when booking an appointment) 
  • Set the session length 
  • Choose Video Call as the contact type (unless you are setting up an in-person team appointment) 
  • Optionally, set a required specific providers (ie. team leader who must be present on calls) 

2. Add your Team Appointment to your Organization Calendar 

Navigate to your organization calendar to add a new session. If you do not see the organization calendar, you may not have these permissions for your account (please contact your account admin).

  • Add appointment and select Group appointment 
  • Leave the Invitee field blank 
  • Choose the Organization Members you'd like to add
  • Choose Video Call as the Contact Type (by default this will use Zoom, as group telehealth calls must be hosted by Zoom). 
  • Optionally, you can set the session as recurring (ie. for monthly team meetings). 

Join the Team Meeting 

When the "Create" button is pressed, the appointment will be added to the calendars of all team members who were included, and all of those members will receive an email notification that says they've been added to a group appointment by whoever the person was that created the appointment.

When each member looks at the appointment details in their Healthie account, they'll see Client Link which brings them to their direct Zoom URL. They will need to joining using this client link as they are not the main provider on the Zoom appointment.

Share the Zoom Link with Support Members or External Team Members

Only team members that are designated as Standard accounts and Providers within Healthie (not support roles) will appear as an option to select in the calendar.

Once created, you'll be able to click on the appointment in your calendar and view details. Copy the Client Link and share it with any other team members that you would like to invite to your Meeting. 

Additional Notes

  • The person who creates the appointment will not see the appointment on the other org members' columns in their "Organization" calendar (even though it will appear on each org member's own calendars)
  • Each org member will see a "Provider Video Link" & "Client Video Link" --> either link will work
  • We highly suggest that you create an Appointment Type & name it accordingly (ie. Team Meeting), but technically you can select any group appointment type & add organization members to the group call! 
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