Zoom: Create a 1:1 Zoom meeting in Healthie

Healthie's direct integration with HIPAA-compliant Zoom comes with several features and capabilities designed to create engaging video calls and webinars. Some of these features are automatically included within Healthie's direct integration with Zoom, others can be enabled for your account on request. You can review Zoom capabilities that are available (or not available) via Healthie here

Our integration with Zoom is available to all members on Plus Plan and above. By default this integration is active for your account (view your integrations). You do not need a personal Zoom account or subscription, and you do not need to take any action to enable Zoom.

This article reviews how to create an individual (1:1) video call through Healthie Zoom. You'll find other related resources below. 

Create a 1:1 Healthie Video Call Session

First, please make sure that you have "Healthie Video Call" as an enabled appointment type. By default, this setting is on, but we suggest you review your settings to confirm. 

  • Navigate to Gear Icon > Settings > Click "Appointments" under Calendar 
  • Make sure the box next to "Healthie Video Call" has a check
  • Next, for an appointment to be booked as a virtual call, you first need to ensure that your appointment type includes "Healthie Video Call" as a contact type. 

Calendar > More > Appointment Types 

Find the appointment that you would like to offer as a virtual session. In the "Contact Types" category, check to see if " Healthie Video Call" is listed. If not, you can click "Edit" next to the appointment and update the contact type. Tip: check the video icon. 

Now you can book a video call appointment on your calendar. 

  • Click the "Add Appointment" button in your calendar 
  • Select your client/invitee from the drop-down and choose the appointment type (ie. Initial Appointment) 
  • When creating an appointment, select "Healthie Video Call" as the "Contact Type.
  • Check the box "Use Zoom for Video Chat"

Note: Zoom has a limit of 100 meetings per provider per day. For context, if you have an Organization admin or an API user scheduling on behalf of a provider at your Organization, they can only schedule 100 meetings that day. Those meetings can be spread throughout the following days/weeks, but if they are all scheduled on the same day, the admin or API user will hit that limit and Zoom won’t generate a link.

View Generated Link for a Zoom Call

To view the details of the Zoom group appointment or webinar you just created, click on the appointment scheduled. You will see "Click to Join" to click to start your webinar. The "Client Video Link" is a link you can share directly with your clients to access the webinar.

If you have a recurring / repeating appointment via Zoom, for example a weekly webinar series, the same Zoom link can be used by your client to join each time in that series of appointment sessions. 

At this time, Healthie creates unique Zoom links for every appointment for HIPAA compliance. As a technology company, we implement adequate Technical Safeguards, Administrative Safeguards, and Physical Safeguards to ensure that our customers are always protected. As each meeting has its own unique ID, it is not possible to maintain a standard room ID with Zoom via Healthie. 

Note: In the event that you are using group webinars as a marketing feature, as many do, you should note that a participant can join a Zoom link regardless of whether or not they are a Healthie client.

To learn more about how to market and share your Zoom group appointment or webinar, review this Healthie article

Download the Zoom App

If you've set up your session as a Healthie Zoom call, you (and your client) will be prompted to download the Zoom app. You (and your client) won't need to create an account or sign-in, only to have the app installed on your device. 

In the interest of time when launching/joining a Zoom call for the first time, please download the Zoom app in advance. 

Launch or Join a Zoom Session 

If you scheduled an appointment within Healthie, a blue banner will appear at the top of your screen, and your client's screen, 10 minutes before a session begins. Simply click on the launch banner, and both of you will be taken to your secure video call. 

Note: The video chat JOIN LINK only appears 10 minutes before the scheduled video call time. Clients/providers are not able to join video calls prior to this time. If you

To launch a call from the Healthie mobile app, log in and click the calendar icon "Sessions" at the bottom of your screen. Find the appointment on your calendar. Tap the appointment, and you'll now see a blue link to "Start Video Chat." 

If you've set up your session as a Healthie Zoom call, you (and your client) will be prompted to download the Zoom app. You (and your client) won't need to create an account or sign-in, only to have the app installed on your device. 

You'll find more information on launching & joining video call sessions here

Your client's experience during a Zoom call 

When a client (or you) book a video call appointment, they will automatically receive a confirmation email as well as an email appointment reminder. Adjust your appointment reminders to clients here

For a Healthie Zoom call, your client will need to download the Zoom app prior to launching the call. You can let your client know this in advance, by sharing the Video Call FAQs client handout (listed below). 

They can join the webinar from their computer or mobile device, as with any Zoom call. Within their client portal, they will also see a reminder of their upcoming appointment/webinar, with a link to click to easily launch the session. 

Below you'll find some free client resources that you may want to leverage with your clients, to help introduce them both to Healthie and Video Call sessions. 

Additional Resources & Zoom Troubleshooting

If you're new to Zoom, or are having issues with your Zoom call, please refer to the resources below: 

If you're new to Healthie telehealth, we recommend you join our daily Live Webinars on Video Calls & Healthie. Live Classes are free and open to all Healthie members.

Need more support? Send our team an email at hello@gethealthie.com.

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