Nutrient Tracking: Log a Food or Meal

Nutrient Tracking is an optional food journaling setting that can be enabled for a client's account. Allow you clients to log individual foods or a meal into the app in order to track important nutrient data, such as calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients. 

Clients can also create custom foods to add to their database, or save a meal for easier future logging. 

Adding a Food or Meal

Once logged into their Client Portal from the Healthie app, clients will see a  Food icon on their dashboard. 

Client doesn't see the Food logging option? Nutrient tracking will NOT show as an option for your client if you did not enable this setting in their individual client profile (ie. if you only adjust your global default settings). Learn more about client settings here

Tapping the icon will allow them to log a food or meal. 

Tapping the + ADD FOOD text will display Healthie's food database, which includes thousands of food items, including brand foods from the Edamam Food database

Clients can search for their food within the data base, and choose a food item from the results. Tapping the (+) symbol next to a food will quick-add the food item to their food entry, and number of servings can be adjusted. Clients can then search for & add several other items before tapping "DONE" on the top right

Nutritional Details

More nutrient details are revealed when clicking on the name of a food item in the search results. When serving size is adjusted for the food item, the nutritional data that the client is viewing will automatically update as well. 

Here is an overview of the nutritional details your client will be able to view. As a provider, when reviewing a client's food journal entries, you'll be able to access/view more detailed nutritional information. 

Saving a Food Entry

Tapping SAVE ENTRY at the top right will log the client's food journal entry. They can revisit their entry at any time to edit/update details or view provider's comments, add a comment in response, and more. 

Here is an example of a completed entry by a client, before they submit it. 

From this journaling view, a client can: 

  • Add more food items to their entry 
  • Click the Actions tab (three dots) next to a food item to 
    • View nutritional details
    • Adjust the serving size 
    • Delete the food item from the entry
  • Complete any other journaling fields (determined by their wellness provider, within journaling settings) such as adding a picture, commenting on the meal, hunger & fullness scales, and much more. 

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