E-Rx for Sub-Organizations

Healthie's multi-provider capabilities enable organizations to share resources, collaborate across clients, and offer coordinated care to clients. 

As part of our Enterprise plan, we can set up an additional administrative layer to your account, for advanced administrative purposes. This enable you to create sub-organizations under your parent Healthie account. 

Healthie integrates with DoseSpot to bring E-Prescribing directly into Healthie via one seamless workflow. 

This article discusses the options available to Enterprise members using sub-organizations, when implementing E-Rx. 

1. Use One E-Rx Clinic 

This option will require all providers and support members that need E-Rx to be added (by Healthie) to the one clinic we establish for your account. 

When creating a clinic, the clinic name, address, phone number, and fax line will be set as the clinic contact details. By default, every prescription that sends to a pharmacy will display this single clinic contact details. 

As an alternative, we can request a clinic configuration change that will enable prescriptions to display the contact information listed for each prescribing provider. Healthie's team can update the address, phone number, and fax line as requested on a per-provider based. 

You may want to consider using a single clinic setup if the sub-organizations in an account are not independently able to prescribe medications (but the parent company is).

2. Use Separate Clinics for Each Healthie Account / Sub-Org

This option will allow multiple clinics to be created for a parent account and/or any sub-orgs that require E-Rx permissions. 

It may be ideal to use separate clinics for your businesses if you require any of the following functionality: 

  • Prescriptions need to display with each business's individual information (name, address, phone number, fax number). In the event the pharmacy has a question re: the Rx, they will contact the individual business/clinic listed.   
  • Each account needs to have their own saved clinic favorite prescriptions
  • Reporting access is needed for a specific clinic (and it is important that the patient data for other sub-organizations is not included). 

Typically, a separate clinic will be used if each business is independently permitted to issue prescriptions. 

While separate clinics can be created, it is also possible to enable team members to have prescribing permissions across multiple sub-organizations. Healthie can add a provider to multiple clinics in DoseSpot. There would only be one monthly fee for the prescribing provider, even if they are added to multiple clinics. 

If you have questions, please schedule a call with your Account Manager to help you decide on the best workflow and clinic structure for your business. 

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