Admin Layers for Your Account (Sub-Organization Layer)

Healthie's multi-provider capabilities enable organizations to share resources, collaborate across clients, and maintain custom permissions surrounding core business needs to streamline operations, promote cross-collaboration, and offer coordinated care to clients. 

As part of our Enterprise plan, we can set up an additional administrative layer to your account, for advanced administrative purposes. 

In order to add or use the Sub-Organization layer, a semi-white label or full web white label is required. 

What is a Sub-Organization Layer?

As part of the organization plan, we can help you set up an additional administrative layer (also known as our "Sub-Organization layer") to help you manage your providers, clinics, and/or regions. This is in addition to Healthie's standard roles of Admin, Standard, and Support that you see when you add or remove a member in your organization

This may be applicable if you:

  • Need an additional "layer of hierarchy" if you work with a large volume of providers using Healthie 
  • Organize your providers / clinics into regions 
  • Offer a front-end marketplace, and would like to have individual calendar links for individual clinics / providers, but have a single back-end experience
  • Work with sites that each have multiple providers or support staff that may or may not need to interact with each other / share client information (we can help you cover both cases)
  • Re-sell Healthie to your partners, and your partners need their own, independent instances that you have oversight into
  • Want to sell access to other organizations without them being added to your own list of providers or support staff. 
  • Want each Sub-Organization to control their day to day while providing them with a backbone of content/default workflows 

One other benefit of setting up administrative layers within your organization is that it can impact Reports you generate within Healthie. 

Example: Using Healthie's Sub-Organization layer 

Use case: Organization uses Healthie's Sub-Organization layer, coupled with Healthie's web and mobile full white-label, to help independent clinics launch virtual services and offer ongoing programming to their patients. 
  • With the Sub-Organization layer, Organization can centrally create and distribute Programs, Documents, Intake Forms, and Charting Templates to the individual independent clinics. It is up to the Organization whether these materials can be further modified by the Provider, or if you'd like to centralize Branding and/or content. 
  • Organization pulls reports on the Organization for Business Analysis
  • Organization can add Sub-Orgs without affecting admin level settings/content. 
  • From the sub-org perspective their experience is fully white labeled in the event that the master org has purchased the white label, and Healthie is only used to power features/support. If the sub-org needs their own white label settings, they would need to purchase their own white label from Healthie.
  • Sub-Orgs are allow to customize their client experience. They can set up their own intake flows, packages/services, while using Admin level created content.  

Using the Sub-Organization Layer

If you want to use the Sub-Organization layer, here are some additional details on how to best coordinate this with the Healthie team, for a smooth experience:

Step 1: Add a Sub-Organization

Create your own Sub-Org by navigating to Organization > Sub Orgs > Add New Sub Organization.

  • If you are an administrator of the master Organization, please email if you would like to create your own Sub-Organization.
  • An aside tab will appear, with the following prompts: 
    • Name of Sub-Organization 
    • Sub-Org Administrator Details (there can only be one admin added) 
    • Settings you wish to carry over from the master organization (see more below) 
    • Content you wish to carry over from your master organization (see more below) 
  • Copy over Settings: You can optionally import settings from your organization to this new sub organization.
  • Appointment Types: Appointment types from your master org are visible to a sub org account, but are NOT editable by the Sub-Org. New appointment types that you create would automatically be visible to the Sub-Org.
    • Note: Your appointment types are automatically imported into a sub org that you create, even if you uncheck the "Import settings from your organization" checkbox.
  • Appointment Settings & Calendar Color Schemes: A Sub-Org starts with the same appointment settings and color schemes as your master org. A Sub-Org can edit them, with edits only affecting the Sub-Org.
  • Intake Flows: A Sub-Org starts with the same intake flows as your master org. A Sub-Org can edit them, with edits only effecting the Sub-Org.
  • Copy over Content: You can optionally copy content from your master organization to this new sub organization.
  • Forms: Forms from your master org are visible to a sub org, but they are NOT editable by the sub org. New forms that you create would automatically be visible to the Sub-Org.
    • Note: Your forms are automatically copied to a sub org that you create, even if you uncheck the "Copy content from your organization" checkbox.
  • Packages: A Sub-Org starts with the same packages as your master org. A Sub-Org can edit them, with edits only effecting the sub org.
  • Programs: A Sub-Org starts with the same programs as your master org. A Sub-Org can edit them, with edits only effecting the Sub-Org.

Step 2: Migrate Existing or New Customers to a Sub-Org (optional) 

You can migrate current providers in your master account into a Sub-Org, and the same provider can be in multiple Sub-Orgs.

You can migrate current clients into a Sub-Org. Their experience will NOT be disrupted, as they will have the same log-in, visiblity & permissions, and materials that you have shared with them to date. Their full client record (including PHI) will be transferred. The same client cannot exist with the same profile in multiple sub-orgs. On the other hand, when a client is added into Sub-Org they’re automatically added to the master Org Client List.

A client could theoretically use the same e-mail address with multiple Sub-Orgs, but they'd need to switch across accounts, and entries or actions would not carry over. 

You can follow our Client Import process to import new clients to a Sub-Org account. In your e-mail to our team, please indicate which sub-org the Clients should be imported into.

Note: If you have already created your Sub-Organization and have settings or content you would like to push, please email If you edit some piece of content in the master organization after creating the Sub-Organization, that update will not automatically trickle down to the Sub-Organization.  

Notes and Best Practices for Sub-Orgs

There is no limit to the number of Sub-Orgs that you can have associated with your Master Account, however, it is not possible to delete a Sub-Org once it has been created. You are able to change the access e-mail address to remove the Sub-Org "Switch."

If a Sub-Organization has an active Healthie account that is not associated with your organization, we are unable to directly transfer that account to live within your Sub-Organization (for security, business, or legal reasons). We recommend creating a new account for that member, and if desired, the Sub-Organization can cancel their independent account. 

  • Visibility across Sub-Orgs
    • Sub-Organizations will have no visibility into each other providers' accounts, or each other's client information. Sub-Orgs are completely silo-ed from each other, and be able to set up their accounts as per a standard account set up, with no insight into other Sub-Org settings and information. 
    • Traditionally, the master Org account functions as a shell account that delivers care through Sub-Orgs.  
    • Please note that when you're viewing the Healthie dashboard through a Sub-Org lens (using the Switch toggle), you can only view the Sub-Org Calendar and Sub-Org Members tabs. Clicking on any tab on the left navigation sidebar will take you back to the master Org account.
    • It is not possible for Sub-Org providers to see other Sub-Orgs, or clients in other Sub-Orgs, unless you indicate that an individual should be part of multiple Sub-Orgs.
    • In order to view Sub-Org details or make any changes to Sub-Orgs, the master account Org administrator needs to first make sure that they have been added to that Sub-Org as a member. After this step, when the master account Org admin switches into that Sub-Org Healthie view, that is the only time they will be able to make any changes to the Sub-Org.
      • Note: If your Org admin has provided you with the appropriate permissions to view Sub-Org details or make changes to Sub-Orgs, and you are unable to view the Switch toggle at the top of your screen, please directly reach our to your Org administrator.
    • It is not possible to "copy a Sub-Org" as information flows from the Master Account to the Sub-Org account.
    • The Reports (left navigation sidebar) > Client List report is the only report that pulls in all Sub-Org data in the Master Org Healthie account. None of the other reports will pull any Sub-Org information or data.  
    • If you have a team member that needs visibility or should be part of multiple Sub-Orgs, we will help you set this up. Please reach out to to set this up for your account. 
  • E-Fax:
    • E-Fax lines can be requested by specific Sub-Orgs for $10 / month. Here are instructions for Sub-Orgs to request an E-Fax line.
    • If you maintain a Universal E-Fax Line in your Master Account that is used by Sub-Orgs, it is unfortunately not possible to assign a E-Fax to a specific sub-org. We therefore recommend having E-Fax for each Sub-Org, if E-Fax is used often by your Organization. 
  • Branding
    • Sub-Orgs will have the Brand (Logo & Colors) that have been set up on your master account
    • Sub-Orgs can have their own branding so long as the owner of that sub-org has the "Can have their own branding" member permission enabled by an account admin for the master account. 
  • Updates to your settings & materials:
    • After a Sub-Org has been created, any updates that you make to Intake Forms, Charting Templates, and Appointment Types in the master account will Automatically apply to the Sub-Org.
    • As the Sub-Org will have access to all master Org account forms, if the Sub-Org has their own forms that they would like to build out, they will have to make copy versions of those master Org account forms in order to both edit and rename them.  
    • Additional features will require that you submit a ticket, when you have materials updated. Please e-mail with details of what you would like to have updated, and for which Sub-Org.
    • We recommend reaching out to our Support Team, versus leveraging the share forms with colleagues for share programs with colleagues, to take advantage of the fact that updates will automatically apply, versus creating a copy / "snapshot in time"
  • Calendar:
  • API
    • If you leverage Healthie's API, we can give API keys per Sub-Org, if your partners have a need for direct data feeds or integrations
    • When data is extracted, it would inherently occur on a per Sub-Org basis, to ensure that co-mingling of data is not possible
    • Sub-Orgs would only be able to access data within their Sub-Org, which is a built-in added security layer

Additional Resources

Please reach out to us at if you have any additional questions about Sub-Orgs. We also encourage you to check out our relevant Onboarding Guides.

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