Share resources internally with team members

Healthie gives your organization the ability to automatically share Documents, Intake and Charting Templates, Programs, and Packages with others on your team, which saves you time distributing content and increases coordination across the business. 

Sharing Documents

If you'd like to share a Document with another provider, navigate to Documents > Actions > Share > Share with other members in your organization


  • If you share a folder, everything in the folder will be seen by other members of the organization as well
  • Creating/Organizing folders are the fastest way to share a lot of content quickly

Share Intake & Charting Forms

  • By default, all intake and charting forms added or created are shared with your entire team so there is no need for each of your team to create duplicate forms 
    • This ability can be turned off under member specific settings
      • This is useful to disable if you want uniform intake flows across your organization 

Share Programs

  • By default, all programs created by you and your team are shared with each other 
  • Once created, team members can make a copy of that program and customize it on their account

Share Packages

  • By default all packages created by you or your team are shared with each other
    • This ability can be turned off under member specific settings
      • Disabling this permission may be useful if you'd like to centralize prices and services across your organization
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