Deep dive: Reporting for Organizations

If you are on our Group or Enterprise Plan, you can leverage Healthie's organization-level reports to perform actions such as:

  • Run analyses on appointments per provider
  • Pull performance and outcome metrics for clients
  • Analyze payment trends
  • and much, much more. Organization Reports is one of the most important features for an organization in terms of business analysis and reporting.

Accessing Organization Reports

If you are an admin in an organization, you can access Organization Reports by going to Reports tab within Healthie. You will see organization-level reports for each report offered in the platform. 

If you would like to give another member of your organization access to Organization-level reports, in your provider's settings, please enable the setting "Can generate Organization reports"

Utilizing Reports

  • When you generate a report, a CSV file with information is generated.
  • Many organizations will use Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel to run further analysis. You can also build automations within Google Sheets / Excel, using Zapier and Macros (these are built outside of Healthie. Healthie does not have a direct integration with Zapier because Zapier is not HIPAA-compliant). 
  • You are also able to customize the date range for many reports. 

Best practices & ideas for your business

  • Payments: We recommend downloading the payments report on a monthly basis to track how much you have received each month
  • Appointments: We recommend downloading the organization appointments report each month to understand, by provider, how many appointments have been completed, and the duration of these appointments. This may be useful for running commission reports / paying any contractors and other employees.  
  • Paying contractors via Healthie: At this time, it is not possible to pay your contractors or other employees via Healthie. We'd recommend using Quickbooks or another payments company (e.g., Justworks or Gusto) to manage this. You can, however, use aforementioned reports, filtered by date range, to determine how much you should be paying contractors.   

Build your own Reports

As part of our Enterprise Plan with API Access, you can pull the specific fields that your Organization needs to run specific patient-level and aggregate analyses, and visualize data in the BI tool of your choosing. Here are some best practices that we commonly see.

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