Create a Free Package in Healthie

“Freemium” services are becoming an increasingly popular marketing tactic for wellness professionals to grow their client base. They offer potential clients the ability to experience your services or knowledge with a low (or no) level of investment, and give you the opportunity to prove your value. 

Healthie can support you as you bring in leads and market your services. Creating a 5-day freemium package within Healthie can help you introduce clients to your services, help them get comfortable with the platform, and get new clients to sign up. Below, we’ve set up a checklist for you to run through as you create this new package for your potential clients. 


Create Your Free Package

The first step in running a freemium service at your practice is to decide exactly what you want to include and create this as a package within Healthie. Some suggestions of what we think might be beneficial to include, in order to demonstrate the value of your services within a short period of time:

  • 1:1 Introductory Call: Many providers offer a free introductory call for potential clients, not only for you to talk to clients about your services, but also to see if you would work well together. You have the opportunity to talk through the potential client’s needs and expectations for working together, as well as your services and expectations as the provider. 
  • Group Introductory Webinar: If you don’t necessarily have time in your schedule for a bunch of one-on-one calls, you can coordinate an introductory webinar for the whole group of potential clients. There may not be as much time for clients to share, but you can walk through your services, premium add-ons, how to use Healthie, pricing, etc. Participants can ask questions and still get a good feel of what it would be like to work with you. 
  • Journal Reviews: Aside from beginning to develop a relationship with you as the provider, it’s also important for potential clients to have a good feel of how you will use Healthie to work together. A great way to do this is to open up the journaling settings, so clients can begin to log food, metrics, activities, symptoms, water, etc. You can leave comments and reactions as you would for any paying client. 
  • Program: Including a small-scale program within your freemium package is another great way to diffuse information to potential clients, but let them work at their own pace. You have a variety of options for program content; you can make your program all about your services, how you will use Healthie together, platform tutorials, etc. Or, you can take a more educational approach and set your clients up for success working together. Give them baseline health and wellness knowledge that will allow them to be ready to get started right away once they officially sign up. 

You’ll need to create a new appointment type for your introductory call or webinar, which you can learn how to do here.  Then, follow the steps to create a free package here

Share Custom Package Link

Once you have your package and appointments ready for clients to sign up, you can share a custom, embeddable link wherever you market your practice. You can obtain this link by navigating to the package you’ve created and clicking the blue “Share” button. 

Good place to share your package link include:

  • Your website: Embedding your package within your website eliminates any barriers for clients to sign up with you. When potential clients are exploring your site, coming across a freemium service can pique their interest and make them more likely to sign up to work with you. They can easily click the link, enter their information, and be ready to get started with you. 
  • Social media: Advertising your freemium services on social media is a great way to push considering clients over the edge to sign up and work with you. Your followers are likely made up of people who enjoy consuming your content, but haven’t decided if they want to take the leap and sign up. Linking your package in your bio or on your stories can make it easier than ever for clients to enter their information and get started. 
  • Your newsletter: Like social media, your newsletter likely reaches many leads. Embedding your free package at the bottom of each and every newsletter can increase the chances that you will convert leads to paying customers. 

Create a Client Group

Healthie enables you to create client groups in order to organize your clients and to tailor their experience. You can use Healthie groups in a variety of ways to streamline workflows within your business and ensure smooth communication with clients. 

Creating a client group for your freemium clients can allow you to send custom intake flows, create packages and appointments types, and send message blasts to the specific group easily. To create a client group, navigate to the Clients page, and click on the “Client Groups” tab. Click on the blue “Create Group,” and give your group a name. Once you create your group, you can add and remove clients as they join and leave the program. 

Create Custom Intake Flow for Group 

An intake flow is a series of forms that new clients will be asked to complete and/or sign electronically via Healthie. Forms can be completed from both the web browser, or from a mobile device. When you have a specific intake flow triggered to send when you add a client to a group, you can be sure you’ve collected all of the necessary information based on that client’s health and demographics. Healthie’s intake forms can be customized using a variety of question banks, meaning you can build your forms exactly how you need. 

Host an Introductory Call or Webinar

Once you’ve collected all the necessary information, it’s time to host your introductory calls or group webinar. It’s likely that you will have clients coming and going from your 5-day program, so it’s important to be strategic about scheduling these calls. It may be best practice to block off a few hours per week to host introductory calls. This way, you can get into your “salesperson” groove, sell your services, and then transition back to normal client calls and administrative tasks.  As for the webinar, you can select a recurring time each week to host the group call. This way, as clients sign up, they can join the weekly call once during the program duration. 

Send Clients Resources to Get Set Up on Healthie

Lastly, it’s important to make sure that your clients are set with the tools to succeed when using Healthie. Healthie is going to be an essential part of working together on your clients’ health goals, so it's absolutely crucial your clients feel comfortable using the platform on their own. Thankfully, Healthie has a variety of resources for your clients to leverage as they get started with the platform. 

  1. Client Help Guide: Just as we’ve created this help guide for our providers, we have a comprehensive set of articles for your clients to use as well. 
  2. Welcome to Healthie Video:Allow your clients to follow a visual walk-through of the client-side of the platform.
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