Create a free appointment and package

There may be instances in which you'd like to create a Booking Link that is free, in order to offer a free consultation for prospective clients. In this instance, you likely want to make sure they do not need an existing account with Healthie to sign up with you, and in general, minimize the steps required to book a session. This is commonly used for free consultations, free webinars, and complimentary phone calls. This can also apply to webinars held via Zoom that you'd like to host. 


Build a free package or session

  • Create a new Appointment Type; we recommend titling it "Initial Appointment" or "Discovery Call" or "15 minute Intro Session". Be sure to indicate whether you'd like this to be a phone call or video call. 
  • Create a new Client Package; we recommend giving it the same name as your Appointment Type created above. 
  • Put a cost of $0.00. 
  • Include the 1 appointment type that you created above.


  • If a package is "Free" then a client will not see a field for "Promo code" when enrolling in this Package. 
  • You currently cannot create a "Free trial" or offer certain months free for a client via our client packages. What you can do is provide the client a promo code which they can apply to to your service so that they aren't charged. Here is more information on Promo codes. This feature is on our Product Roadmap, and we'll update this article when it becomes available. 

Share your Free Package

  • Share this package on your website, a blog post, in your email signature, or on social media. 
  • If a client DOES NOT have a Healthie account connected with you, they will be prompted to create an account prior to booking / purchasing. They will be able to book this session simply by entering their basic information. In their package purchase email, their will be a button that states, "Setup an Account". Learn more with Getting Started: Emails to clients
  • If a client DOES have a Healthie account connected with you, they will not be prompted to log in, but Healthie will detect that they already exist in your system, and avoid creating a duplicate client account. 

Both you and your client will receive an automated e-mail from Healthie when they have booked a session (and enrolled in your free package). A new client will automatically be added to your Client List

Tying this to Intake Forms & Groups

You may not want prospective clients to complete your standard set of intake forms until after this initial discovery call has been completed. Or, you may have a basic form for a client to complete, but not your full suite of forms. Here are instructions to set up a custom Intake Flow for Discovery Clients:

Step 1: Create a Group called "Prospective Clients" or "Discovery" (wording is your choice)

Step 2: Create an intake flow and match it to the client group that you created in Step 1. Providers will typically include a shortened version of their intake form, a HIPAA-privacy notice, and sometimes insurance request form. Some even choose to have clients complete NO paperwork, in which case the intake flow created should have NO forms. 

After a successful discovery call, if you would like clients to fill out your standard set of intake forms, you can move them into another group that contains the intake forms they'll need to fill out. 

Client Experience

When a client books a discovery session with you from your external link, they will receive an e-mail notification with details of their upcoming session with you. They will be prompted to view details, log into Healthie, and complete forms that you've designated for them to complete. 

If your discovery session is being held over Healthie Video call, your client will need to log into the web platform or mobile app. If your scheduled session / webinar is being held via Zoom, your client never needs to log in, as their appointment reminder e-mail will contain the Zoom link, that they can join directly. 

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