Using Healthie for Client Engagement

Client engagement is centered on providers and clients working together to improve health. A client's greater engagement in healthcare contributes to improved health outcomes. Clients want to be engaged in their healthcare decision-making process, and those who are engaged as decision-makers in their care tend to be healthier and experience better outcomes.

Healthie's core features are leveraged by thousands of providers & clients worldwide, to create a safe and engaging space for client care. Healthie allows care to happen in real-time, and gives both providers and clients the tools to facilitate long-term health change. 


Overview of Engagement Features 

Here’s what’s included in Healthie’s cloud-based web and mobile platform designed specifically for wellness professionals: 

  • A secure patient portal: patients receive a secure login to their own portal, which they can access from any web browser or the mobile app
  • Telehealth through Zoom: offer virtual counseling for individuals, families, and groups with our HIPAA-compliant integration with Zoom (members in your organization do not need a separate login or Zoom account to utilize)
  • Modern client engagement tools: enables patient journaling, photo-based food logging (that healthcare providers can comment on), document sharing, secure provider-patient messaging
  • Internal and external communication: message with patients to provide advice and ongoing support, communicate across providers and assistants, host community (group) messages
  • Online client education: share documents automatically with clients, such as videos, PDFs, word documents, handouts, and more. Build automated online programs and courses for your clients to make complex healthcare topics easily digestible for your client base.

Streamline Client Care with Healthie 

HIPAA-Compliant Chat

Effective and consistent client engagement using a messaging platform allows you to build a trusting rapport with clients so that you can create lasting outcomes.Consistently checking-in with your patients as you work together lets you give them the feedback and support they need to stay motivated and make changes. You’ll find that as you engage with patients, retention is improved, and a real trusting relationship can be established. 

Healthie's chat feature enables you to securely message and communicate with your clients, from within the web platform, and through the mobile apps. With Healthie's chat feature, you can message your clients one-on-one, create group chats, send message blasts, and even message other wellness providers in your organization. This is a powerful way to stay engaged with clients in between sessions, as well as securely discuss health information. Many providers also use the Chat platform to discuss appointment logistics, as it is often faster than e-mail and/or phone conversations back and forth.  Read more about how to set up Healthie chat here

Metrics tracking

Metrics tracking provides space for client engagement, as it holds clients responsible for monitoring their progress.  While healthcare providers can still update relevant metrics post-sessions for clients to view, asking patients to self-monitor and log recommended metrics provides them an active role in their healthcare journey.  Tracking several different metrics, tailored to the individual, offers a way to measure overall progress in time and can drive client results. 

With Healthie’s Metric feature, providers can monitor and graph metrics like weight, height, BMI, or body fat percentages as well as create custom metrics to track for each client. Also, Healthie Metrics can be viewed and tracked from both desktop and mobile devices, for convenient logging. Healthie's metrics platform syncs with devices and platforms like Fitbit, Apple Health, GoogleFit, and iHealth scales to automatically pull in client information for your review. Via Healthie, client metrics can be automatically and easily captured by enabling clients to sync their wearable fitness devices. 

Journal Logging

In healthcare, having patients have a photo food journal is one of the most powerful tools in coaching patients to long-term dietary change. Beyond logging meals, patients can also have the ability to log other valuable information for their healthcare provider. This can include symptoms, habits, activity, and more. With all of this information available through a patient portal, the entire healthcare team can leverage this data to provide more personalized and comprehensive client care. 

Healthie's Journaling feature enables clients to log key nutrition and lifestyle information into their platform. As a provider, you are able to customize this experience for your clients, as well as view, comment, and react to client entries as part of providing longitudinal engagement with your clients to augment care. 

Available journal entries include:

  • Photo food journaling: Clients can take pictures of meals, indicate hungriness and healthiness, special settings for eating disorders, write comments, write a description, and a reflection. 
  • Nutrient tracking: Clients can log meals via Healthie's integration with the USDA food database. Read more about nutrient tracking
  • Notes: Clients can share a written journal entry, symptom, progress update, thoughts or more. 
  • Selfies: Clients can take pictures of themselves and watch progress unfold over time. 
  • Activity: Clients can log their workouts or activity, including type of activity and intensity.
  • Symptoms: Clients can log bodily symptoms, such as headache, GI distress, rash, etc. 
  • Water: Clients can log their daily water intake. Providers can set a target water goal, and review logged water intake entries. 
  • Stool (Poop): Clients can log their stools, by describing the shape/color and leave custom comments. 

Goal Setting

Patients can use the app to set goals, check them off as they go, and update you on their progress in between appointments.  Even if you only see patients once a month, having the ability to offer goals logging is a great way to keep patients accountable and make progress throughout your time working together.  Moreover, sharing goals will help you get to know your patient better.  You know exactly what they want to improve upon, and you can guide them in the right direction.

With Healthie's Goal Setting Feature, wellness providers and clients can: 

  • Create daily, weekly and one-time goals (and subgoals) for clients
  • Visit a client's chart to see all current, and past, goals 
  • Monitor a client's success by seeing goal completion rates for each day, and each goal
  • From their client portal, clients can check off completed goals or subgoals
  • Clients can receive in-app or email reminders to complete goals, and wellness providers can adjust the frequency of these notifications
  • Be motivated towards consistently achieving goal completion streaks   

Care Plans

Care plans first and foremost allow treatment recommendations (and resources) to be communicated in a patient-friendly manner. Treatment recommendations can also include written summaries and additional resources, which help to improve a patient’s understanding. Both improving patient knowledge, and increasing patient-provider communication, serve as strategies in improving patient adherence.  

By sharing a care plan with a patient, including actionable goals they can work towards, patients instantly become active participants in their care. Marking off goals that they’ve managed to accomplish adds a level of accountability, and also serves as a strong indicator of patient progress. More than looking at metrics alone (such as weight) both providers and patients are able to see progress over time as patients actively make progress towards their Care Plan goals. 

Healthie's Care Plans feature enables providers and organizations to apply common protocols and methods of care to clients, while still facilitating the customization/personalization that may happen on a per-client basis. Within a Care Plan, you can add wellness recommendations, upload documents for clients to access, automatically set goals, and more. 

Care Plans can be created as a template, and quickly applied to other client accounts, as a way to save time, and improve standardization of care. Once applied to a client's account, it is an individual instance of the Care Plan - meaning editing the Care Plan within the client's profile will not edit the original template. Similarly, editing the original template will not impact the new care plan you've applied for your client.


Healthie’s Program feature allows providers to curate short term programs, or challenges, that work for their client base. This tool is highly customizable to meet your particular workflow needs and can be used for delivering content, distributing emails and videos, and overall, building long-term relationships with your clients. Importantly, the programs feature within Healthie enables your clients to access materials within their client portal, and also discover and enroll in programs that may be a fit for their health and wellness needs:  

  • Create programs with a fixed start and end date for programs that you’d like to run for a certain time period or can have open enrollment for signature programs.
  • Create all of the materials for your health challenge in advance and schedule out the timely release of emails, videos and documents to keep your patients on track. 
  • Engage with program members through secure online chat or group chats
  • Run a program alongside food & lifestyle tracking 
  • Schedule pre- and post- program electronic surveys to collect program data & demonstrate improved health outcomes 


The Documents feature within Healthie enables providers to store and share educational resources, recipes, meal plans, and industry handouts. Healthie Documents replace the need for you to keep a local folder on a computer, and can act as a "Google Drive" or "Dropbox" for you, as you build the repository of materials needed in your business. 

For group practices and organizations, documents become a powerful tool for cross-collaboration, as providers can share resources with each other to save time and streamline operations. You can import documents from your computer, Dropbox, Google Drive, and even take a picture from your phone on the Healthie Mobile app and store these in your Documents platform. 

How to Leverage Healthie’s Client Engagement Suite 

1. Offer a Accountability Booster Subscription Package

Accountability booster services are a great way to generate income for services you’re likely already providing for your clients but not getting paid for your time. Many providers charge a monthly subscription fee to clients for services such as responding to chat messages or emails, commenting on journal entries, sending goal reminders, and other between appointment check-ins, in addition to the price of each appointment. 

Clients can receive an extra layer of support from you no matter where they are in their journey; but, subscription services can be especially beneficial for clients who have “graduated” from working with you directly, but would like some support as they transition to working on their health solo. 

Read our best practices for setting up accountability boosters and other types of subscription services within Healthie here

2. Market a Client Engagement Freemium for Potential Clients

“Freemium” services are becoming an increasingly popular marketing tactic for wellness professionals to grow their client base. They offer potential clients the ability to experience your services or knowledge with a low (or no) level of investment, and give you the opportunity to prove your value. 

Healthie can support you as you bring in leads and market your services. Creating a 5-day freemium package within Healthie can help you introduce clients to your services, help them get comfortable with the platform, and get new clients to sign up. Learn how to set up a client package here

3. Run a Wellness Challenge or Program

With an online wellness program, support is always available.  Instead of an in-person accountability group that meets once a week, running your wellness challenge online allows for participants to have more consistent access to you (the provider) or their fellow members.  Clients can send you secure messages to ask questions or if they need motivation, and you can respond quickly and easily.  

The Healthie programs feature, as mentioned above, is the perfect tool to leverage to create and distribute your online wellness program or challenge. Healthie’s Programs feature enables providers to create courses online, automate distribution, seamlessly enroll and track client activity, and connect to packages to charge for courses. Clients can complete enrolled programs through their Healthie Client Portal, on their computer or mobile device when logged into the Healthie app. 

With Healthie’s Programs feature, you can create customized programs and templates for clients that will allow you to automate nutrition and wellness education over a period of time; without having to put in much extra time and effort.  Alongside your program, you can leverage all of Healthie’s other client engagement tools, to ensure your clients are receiving comprehensive care and accountability throughout their participation in the program. 

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