Using Healthie outside of US or with non-English speakers

Healthie is used in over 25 countries today, including in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Healthie is HIPAA, SOC-2, PIPEDA, GDPR, CCPA, FERPA and PCI-compliant and maintains international top-level security standards. 

Additionally, for non-English speaking clients, the platform facilitates international language and communication, as well as secure credit card payment processing in over 180 countries. 

Features of Healthie's platform can be customized for use outside of North America. Moreover, the platform is largely icon-based, making it easy for clients to navigate. 

Payment Processing to Collect Payments

  • Healthie's built-in payment processor leverages Stripe, which makes it possible to collect credit and debit card payments from over 180 countries
  • You are able to set up your Client Packages in currencies that Stripe supports (over 180 countries). You can additionally have different currencies for different packages that you offer. If you would like assistance setting up a specific currency for a specific package, please e-mail with the package and currency that you'd like to adjust.
  • If you'd like assistance setting up your bank account and packages to reflect your local currency (e.g., USD --> GBP), e-mail us:

Please Note: For security purposes, we have temporarily disabled self-setup of international bank accounts with non-corporate email addresses (e.g gmail or outlook). At this time, a non-personal email address will be required in order to validate your account for payment processing. 

Client-facing E-mails, Forms, and Documents

  • Build your intake forms and charting templates for clients to complete and e-sign online in your native language > Healthie's form builder will pick up on the keyboard language you are inputting questions into (including Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, and more).
    • Note: If you work with clients that speak multiple langagues, e.g, some English Speakers and some Spanish Speakers, we recommend creating two versions of your Intake Flow, and specifically labeling one as "English" forms and another as containing your "Spanish" forms. 
  • Customize your E-mails sent to clients (Welcome, Appointment Confirmation, Appointment Reminder) in the language of your choice 
  • Build your client packages in your language of preference
  • Upload documents (including PDFs, .docs, .xls, etc) that you have built

Live Client interaction

Metrics System

  • Healthie's metrics can be displayed and calculated using the international metrics system (e.g., kg / cm vs lb / inches)
  • If you'd like to adjust your metrics to reflect International Metrics, e-mail 

Browser Translation Programs

Many browser translation programs works really well with Healthie. Click here for one example.

Google Translate also works well for many providers and clients abroad. To set this up, right click on your Google browser (eg., Chrome), and select "Translate"

Note: Healthie accepts input in different languages, but we do not translate dynamically based on location, this needs to be done via web browser.


  • It is on our long-term product roadmap to offer a full web and mobile translation. If you are interested in being notified as we make this available, let us know :) E-mail
  • If you would like to add an international phone number, use the following format:
    • Country Code + Phone Number
    • For example, for a UK number (Country Code +44), an acceptable format would be: +44-7777777777
    • Please do not add any "0"s at the beginning
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