Healthie Video Calls: Chart and Chat During a Video Call

Healthie is designed with your workflows in mind, including the need to view past charting notes, important client information, and create new chart notes, all during your call. We believe you should have access to the same information and capabilities as you would when meeting in-person with a client.


Start a new chart note during your video call 

You are able to take notes with the same functionality as during an in-person session and select the charting template of your choice. Simply click the "Create Charting Note" option on the top-right and give your new note a title. You'll still be able to see your client's video while you're charting, and you can adjust the video image size as needed for a better charting experience. 

Note: Your client does not see these notes; rather, they see their video call with you

View past charting notes or forms during a call 

To review past notes or forms while on your video call, you can click the "Type" field and select either Charting, Intake, or Program forms. Click the form that you'd like to display. 

View client information during a video call

During your telehealth call, you can click the "Quick Profile" icon on the top right of your account, to display your client's Quick Profile. This panel allows you to scroll, and tab, through important client information including: 

  • Client personal details (including: name, date of birth, age, latest height and weight recorded) 
  • Tasks assigned to this client
  • Quick notes 
  • Appointment details (including upcoming appointments) 
  • Financial details (including: upcoming recurring payments, credits remaining, and money owed) 
  • Goals
  • Journal entries
  • Forms (including intake forms) 

Having this information quickly accessible means you can provide the most comprehensive care without navigating away from your screen, or opening additional browser tabs. 

Not charting during a session? You can easily switch to a larger video screen size and toggle away the Quick profile, for a full telehealth experience. 

Chat during a video call

During a video session with a client, you may want to compliment your session with messaging. Messages and shared content stay synced and searchable after your session, by navigating to the "Chat" feature. 

To start a message, click the "Chat" icon in the video call menu. A side panel will slide out, opening your most recent existing conversation with your client. 

To close the chat conversation, simply click the "X" on the top of the chat box. 

Note: Charting andChat is available during a video call launched from the web browser, not from the mobile app. 

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