Nutrient Tracking from the Healthie Mobile App

Data tells us that the majority of clients prefer to log their journal entries from the Healthie mobile app for it's convenience and real-time logging capability. 

Healthie's Nutrient Tracking capability replaces the need for clients to use other meal logging apps such as MyFitnessPal. This allows both providers & clients to seamlessly work together within the Healthie platform, sharing & reviewing important data related to your client's dietary intake. 

If you prefer that your client NOT be able to log meals with nutritional data, you can simply disable (or keep disabled) this journaling setting. You can fully customize your client's journaling experience (for food, and other journaling tasks like tracking water intake, symptoms, exercise, and more). 

Enable "Nutrient Tracking" for a Client

Follow the steps here to turn on this optional food journaling for your client. 

Food Journaling 

Once logged into their Client Portal from the Healthie app, clients will see a Food icon on their dashboard. Clicking the icon will allow clients to: 

Example Food Entry

Below is the client view of a created journal entry with the nutrient tracking feature enabled. Once a client taps Save Entry on the top right, it will be logged as an entry. 

Review a Logged Journal Entry

Journal entries within Healthie are meant to be both informative, and engaging. It allows providers to get a detailed view of your client's dietary intake & habits, while providing real-time feedback. 

Some actions you can take regarding a logged entry: 

  • View the nutritional details for the food/meal 
  • Add a "Quick Reaction" to the entry 
  • Add a comment to the entry, or reply to your client's comment 

You can find your client's logged journal entries in two places: 

1. From the "Journal Entries" tab on your provider dashboard (where you'll see all of your client's logged entries, in chronological order. Filter by "Entry Type > Food" to quickly filter out any other entries (ie. metrics, exercise, notes). 

2. From your "Client's Profile" via Clients > Find your Client > Journaling 

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