Join a Video Call Session

Healthie's HIPAA-compliant video call (telehealth) solution enables you to conduct both one-on-one and group virtual sessions. With Video Call, you can host video call sessions, conduct webinars and classes, record sessions, and hold meetings with multiple participants.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth / video call sessions enable you, via a computer or mobile device (iOS and Android), to securely meet with your provider on the go through a video call. It allows you to conveniently connect with your wellness provider. All you need is an internet connection and a device.  

Equipment Recommendations

To ensure a quality connection during your session, we recommend that you have:

  • Desktop computer/laptop with a webcam, speakers, and sufficient memory OR
  • Smartphone device with at least iOS 13.0 or Android 5.0 installed (you will need to download the Healthie iOS app or Android app
    • You will not be able to connect to a telehealth session from the web browser (e.g. Safari) if using your phone. 
  • A strong internet connection, that is at least 10 Mbps in strength.

We recommend testing your video chat prior to your first telehealth session, to confirm that you have enabled your microphone and camera. 

Join a Healthie Video Call from the Web

By default, all one-on-one client sessions uses Healthie's built-in video call feature. There are no additional plug-ins or requirements to launch or join these calls. 

If you scheduled an appointment within Healthie, a blue banner will appear at the top of your screen, and your client's screen, 10 minutes before a session begins. Simply click on the launch banner, and both of you will be taken to your secure video call. 

Another way for you to enter a video call session is through the Calendar tab, clicking the details of the appointment and selecting "Click to Join". 

As a provider, you will be able to see the Private Notes on the right hand side of your video call screen. Clients will not see this screen, they will see their recent Video Calls with you (and, be able to message with you, in real-time, during a sesion). A forthcoming update will enable you as a provider to also view previous chart notes on a client. At this time, it is not possible to view an archive of previous notes within the side. 

Note: If you do not create the appointment within Healthie, the video call bar will not show. For example, even if you have your Google Calendar synced to Google, you need to create an appointment within Healthie, for the launch banner to appear. If you do not see the blue banner, try refreshing your screen. 

Join a Healthie Video Call from the Mobile App 

To launch a call from the Healthie mobile app, log in and click the calendar icon "Sessions" at the bottom of your screen. Find the appointment on your calendar. Tap the appointment, and you'll now see a blue link to "Start Video Chat." 

Note: The video chat JOIN LINK only appears 10 minutes before the scheduled video call time. Clients/providers are not able to join video calls prior to this time. If you

For both you, and your client, the first time that you launch a Healthie Video Call from the mobile app, you will be prompted to give access to your audio and your video. For the best telehealth experience, you must give these permissions by clicking "Allow" or "Ok" when prompted. If you or your client have denied access, you'll see guidance on how to fix it. 

Another way both you and your client can enter a session is by selecting Video Chat listed in the hamburger icon (the 3 horizontal lines) on the top-left of the Healthie mobile app > tap VIDEO CHAT.

When you launch the call, it will display your video chat directly within the app. You'll be able to see your client, and they will be able to see you. You will not see the charting or chat ability while launching your call from the mobile app, these capabilities are only available when launching a video call from the web browser. 

Join a Healthie Zoom Video Call

If you've set up your session as a Healthie Zoom call, then launching or joining the call follows the same steps, but you (and your client) will be prompted to download the Zoom app. You (and your client) won't need to create an account or sign-in, only to have the app installed on your device. 

When set up correctly, you will not be asked to log in when using Zoom links through Healthie.

The most common things that can cause you to be prompted for a log-in (or seeing a message Waiting for Host to Join)

  • You are signed into another Zoom account. Make sure you close out any Zoom application that is opened. Restarting your computer will help. 
  • The host is using an incorrect link (potentially the link meant for clients)
  • The link itself is invalid

Navigating Healthie During a Video Call

During a Healthie video session (not a Zoom session), you'll see a split screen, with the option to chart and/or chat with your client during your call. Clicking any of the side-menu tabs (such as Calendar) will navigate away from your video chat session. You'll see a notification asking if you're sure you want to navigate from the page. 

Click "Cancel" to keep your video chat session active. 

Alternatively, we suggest that you open a NEW TAB if you'd like to view your calendar, or other parts of Healthie while on your video call. 

Initiating a non-scheduled video call session 

Providers always have the ability to start a video call and invite a particular client, even if there were no previously scheduled appointments, as long as that client has a Healthie account. However, if you are trying to launch an already scheduled call, you must click the link in your calendar appointment or the blue reminder banner that displays. 

There are several ways for providers to initiate a video call: 

Option 1: From the General Clients Tab

  • Click the "Actions" button (the 3 dots) 
  • Select "Video Call" from the list 

Option 2: Within a client's profile, click the  video call button on their profile picture

Option 3: Launch a virtual call through chat > Click the video icon next to your client's profile picture 

Note: When you launch a non-scheduled call, it will automatically create an appointment with this client in your calendar at the time of the call launch. This is so you can keep track of your calls/sessions with clients, and ultimately collect payment if needed for a documented service. You can edit or delete the appointment within your calendar after the session as you need. 

Troubleshooting Help for Video Calls 

You'll find troubleshooting tips in the articles below. We recommend reviewing these guides prior to submitting a support ticket, as the most common technical issues are covered in the guides. 

Zoom: Troubleshooting

Video Calls (Telehealth): Troubleshooting

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