View Calendar and Appointments

Accessing your calendar and viewing your scheduled appointments is a critical part of your daily workflows. The Healthie Calendar features makes it easy to view your schedule both from the web browser and from the Healthie mobile app. Easily search, add, and modify appointments from any of your devices for convenient schedule management. 

View Calendar from the web browser

When logged into your Healthie account from a web browser, click the "Calendar" tab from your left menu. Your Calendar will automatically display. From here you can: 

Filter appointments on Calendar

You can use the "Filtering" tool to choose which appointments (or availability) to display on your calendar. 

  • Show appointments: these are all Healthie appointments that are booked
  • Synced appointments: see appointments/events that are from any calendars you've synced with Healthie 
  • Location: select the location you'd like to view appointments for (if you have multiple locations) 
  • Appointment Type: sort by the different appointment types you have created (ie. initial appointments) 
  • Appointment Status: status included "Occurred, No Show, Cancelled, Rescheduled" -- learn more here. 
  • Confirmation Status (by you as the provider, or your client) -- learn more here
  • Availability: One-time and Recurring availabilities you have set

Learn more about color-schemes and understanding appointment statuses here

View Calendar from the mobile app

Conveniently access your calendar on-the-go with the Healthie mobile app. From the app: 

  • Tap the "Sessions" tab from the bottom menu
  • Tab between "Upcoming" or "Past" appointments 

Your list of appointments shows important information at a glance including the client, appointment type, date and time, as well as the contact type (in-person, video call, or phone call). Tap an appointment to view additional session details or launch a video call. You can also click the actions tab (three dots) to modify or cancel the appointment.

As with Calendar from the web browser, you'll notice that your appointments from the Healthie mobile app calendar have different textures and colors. These help you understand an appointment's status, from a glance. 

  • Confirmed sessions will show up as block colors based on the color schemes you have established
  • Unconfirmed sessions will show up as striped and shaded.
  • Cancelled and No-Show sessions will show as grey, and crossed out. Sessions will not be removed from your Calendar unless you manually remove them. 
  • Rescheduled sessions will display "Rescheduled" in the appointment name. 

Next Step: Learn how to schedule a new appointment from the mobile app or web browser here.

For both providers and clients, scheduled appointments show the confirmation status. To confirm an appointment, simply click or tap "Confirm" to update the status. Clients are also able to see when an appointment they have scheduled requires them to confirm -- or the provider can confirm the appointment on behalf of the client. 

From the mobile app, you also have the ability to update the status of appointments that have occurred, for your records. From the Sessions tab on the mobile app, find an appointment you'd like to update. Click the actions tab (3 dots) on the top-right. A menu will appear, and you can tap to change the status. 

Mark the appointment as: 

  • Occurred 
  • Rescheduled 
  • No Show 
  • Cancelled

If a client requests to cancels their appointment, you can mark the status of the appointment, either no show or cancel. The appointment will remain on the calendar with a strike through it.

If you select "cancel" for the status and if you have the credit featured turned on where the client receives the credit back if they cancel, they can receive a credit back to schedule for that canceled appointment. Here is more information on our credit system: Client Credit system

From here, you may also edit the appointment or delete it from your schedule. If you reschedule or cancel an appointment, your client will automatically receive a notification email. 

Book appointment from the mobile app

You also have the option to book an appointment from the mobile app. When doing so as a provider, you will see two tabs:

  1. My availability: Toggle to this if you'd like to use your set availability to filter when to book with your client
  2. Another Date / Time: Toggle to this if you'd like to book a session with a client that may override availability that you have set up

Your client's experience with Calendar

When logged into their Healthie Client Portal, from either the web browser or mobile app, your clients can access their calendar of appointments. Clients have the ability to: 

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