Using Healthie as a CRM Tool

While Healthie has several features that can help you organize, manage, and engage your leads, Healthie is not as robust of a CRM platform as others out there (e.g., Hubspot). This article outlines how our features can be used for basic CRM capabilities: 

  • Reporting and KPI dashboards
  • HIPAA-compliant chat, email, and SMS messages
  • Integrations with other CRM software
  • Referring provider dashboard


Set up Intake Forms to Collect Contact & Referral Information

Within Healthie, there are a number of ways to set up your account to work with clients' referring providers. 

  1. Build Your Individual Referral List: This feature allows you to maintain a master list of referring providers independent of their relation to a particular client. Moreover, you can quickly view your top referring providers. You are able to save and sort by a provider’s Name, Business Name, Specialty, City, and number of Clients Referred. In addition, you can view and edit specific details about this referring provider. Referring providers will only have access to the specific records that you share via E-Fax. These providers will not have a Healthie account login through your account membership.
  2. Intake Forms: The easiest way to collect a referring provider’s information is to include a space within your intake forms for a client to put down this information. Some clients will not have been referred by a provider, but as you build your referral network, you may find that the number of referred clients increases significantly. Including a place for clients to write down their primary physician’s or otherwise referring provider’s information allows you to gain a new contact, add that information to your client’s profile, and begin to build a relationship with that provider.
  3. Add a Referring Provider to a Client’s Profile: You may find it easier for your workflow to add a new referring provider directly through your client’s profile. You are able to have multiple referring providers on file for a single client, as well as remove the association of a referring provider with a specific client. If a provider’s information is associated with a particular client, then the Referring Provider information will pre-populate into CMS 1500 and other forms in the platform, as well as within the Client’s Profile. To add a referring provider through a client’s profile, go to the “Clients” tab on your dashboard and select your client. Click the “Actions” tab, and under “Client Info” click the “Referring Providers” button.  Click the “Add Referring Provider” button, and complete the necessary information.
  4. E-fax: Healthie's built-in, HIPAA-compliant E-fax makes it easy to follow-up with physicians, other healthcare providers, therapists, and hospitals by sending chart notes, lab reports, intake forms, and documents following a session related to client care. Healthie providers can also receive referrals and chart note documents; Providers are given their own, unique E-fax phone number that can be shared with other providers & organizations. A physical fax machine is not required. Healthie's E-fax platform can receive faxes from traditional (physical) fax machines AND other E-fax lines. 

Read more about managing referring providers within Healthie here

Organize Clients into Groups

Healthie enables you to create client groups in order to organize your clients and to tailor their experience. You can use Healthie groups in a variety of ways to streamline workflows within your business and ensure smooth communication with clients. 

The first step in managing your groups is to start creating groups. Some wellness providers create groups based on the stage of the client (ie. prospect, new client, follow-up client), by population type (ie. adults, pediatrics), by disease state (ie. diabetics, eating disorder), or by services (3-month package, webinar, programs). 

Read more about setting up clients groups here, and run through our best practices checklist to ensure you are using the feature to its full potential. 

Develop Custom Client Communication Methods

CRM software is important for managing all of the touch points that make up your relationship with a client. This includes appointment reminders and confirmations, email communication, and chat messages. Healthie allows you to leverage all of these communication tools to keep client communications streamlined and simple. 

  1. Appointment Reminders: Send appointment reminders via text or email, and allow clients to confirm appointments directly from the text or email.  With Healthie, you can even automate the reminders so that you can streamline your scheduling workflow and focus more on client care. Not only will these reminders help reduce no-shows and late cancellations, but clients will appreciate that you are on top of the scheduling process and have taken the time to send them a reminder. 
  2. Email Communication: While you cannot currently send one-off emails to clients within Healthie, you can customize your automated emails, such as appointment reminders, welcome emails, program emails, and more. Customizing these emails to reflect your branding and your business is an important part of customer management and retention; emails can help communicate in writing office policies, appointment credit status, program progress, and other important aspects of working with you that may not be of priority to discuss during an appointment. Using emails to communicate administrative information allows you to focus your time with clients actually on your clients. 
  3. Chat: Within Healthie, Chat is the best way to send custom or one-off messages to clients. You can check in on clients individually, make sure they are feeling confident and comfortable in their plan, and answer any questions that they may have in between appointments. Additionally, Healthie allows you to create Community Chats with a specific group of clients, or send a Message Blast to a large number of clients at once. These strategies allow you to communicate with a large number of clients at once, saving you time and ensuring pertinent information gets communicated clearly. 

Leverage Client Data from Reports and Dashboards

Healthie Reports keep you informed about clients, appointments, and financial activities. All reports within the Healthie platform can be run for a single provider, or an entire organization. Many of our reports can be generated for a specific date range, and are designed to give you an overview into your business, clients, and financial health. On our Organization Plan, we also offer Custom Reports, and all data is also available via our API

Integrate with other CRM Software

While Healthie can certainly be used as a standalone CRM and EHR software, it does also integrate with other CRM software, such as Hubspot, Salesforce, and InfusionSoft. To set up any of these integrations, e-mail to set this up on your account Depending on your membership level and the services needed, an additional fee may apply. 

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