Using Healthie to Build Your Referral Network

By building a client referral network, you can connect with other wellness professionals, and start to receive a steady referral of clients. Even having as few as one or two wellness professionals referring clients to you on a regular basis contributes to keeping your client-load full. Spending the time to build, grow, and nurture your client referral network is well worth the payoff.

Additionally, working collaboratively with other providers offers clients an exceptional multi-disciplinary team consisting of healthcare professionals who have the knowledge, expertise, and all of the strengths such as dedication and a hard-working mentality necessary to work together effectively in making decisions for their clients. 

Healthie has a variety of features in place to support you as you build your referral network. Run through our checklist to be sure you’re leveraging the features available and to read our best practices for building your referral network using Healthie.


Intake Forms

The easiest way to collect a referring provider’s information is to include a space within your intake forms for a client to put down this information. Some clients will not have been referred by a provider, but as you build your referral network, you may find that the number of referred clients increases significantly. Including a place for clients to write down their primary physician’s or otherwise referring provider’s information allows you to gain a new contact, add that information to your client’s profile, and begin to build a relationship with that provider.

Read more about building intake forms here

Referring Providers Feature

Healthie’s Referring Providers feature makes it easy for providers and organizations to keep track of the healthcare professionals that they are in communication with. Diligently keeping track of your referral network will allow you to maintain important client communication, as well as continue to nurture your network to receive ongoing referrals.

Build your Referral List

This feature allows you to maintain a master list of referring providers independent of their relation to a particular client. Moreover, you can quickly view your top referring providers.

You are able to save and sort by a provider’s Name, Business Name, Specialty, City, and number of Clients Referred. In addition, you can view and edit specific details about this referring provider. Referring providers will only have access to the specific records that you share via E-Fax. These providers will not have a Healthie account login through your account membership.

Add or remove a referring provider

Within your list of Referring providers, you can add New Referring Providers, and choose to associate existing clients with this provider. You will be prompted to add their basic information, contact information, clients you’d like to associate with this provider, and any notes that you’d like to save. Notes are not viewable by the Provider or by your clients but can be used as an internal reference for you and your team.

To add a new Referring Provider, navigate to the Gear Icon and click on “Settings.”  On the left-hand side panel, click on the “Referring Providers” tab under Business.  From here, you can click on the blue “Add New Referring Provider” button.   A side panel drawer will slide out, prompting you to complete information on the referring provider.  

Add a referring provider within a client’s profile

You may find it easier for your workflow to add a new referring provider directly through your client’s profile. You are able to have multiple referring providers on file for a single client, as well as remove the association of a referring provider with a specific client. If a provider’s information is associated with a particular client, then the Referring Provider information will pre-populate into CMS 1500 and other forms in the platform, as well as within the Client’s Profile.  

To add a referring provider through a client’s profile, go to the “Clients” tab on your dashboard and select your client. Click the “Actions” tab, and under “Client Info” click the “Referring Providers” button.  Click the “Add Referring Provider” button, and complete the necessary information.

Sort and manage your Referral List

Once added, you can “View Details” on the referring provider by clicking the action tab (three dots) next to their contact info on the list. This will quickly display the Referring Providers’ contact information, associated clients, and any notes that you have added.

On the main Referral List display, you can sort your list by:

  • Referring Provider Name
  • Referring Provider Business Name
  • Specialty
  • or City

Import or export referral contacts

You may find the need to export your Referral List (ie. if you’d like to add referring contacts to a mailing list).   To export referral contacts, navigate to the Gear Icon on the top-right of your dashboard, and click on Settings. From the left-hand side panel, select “Referring Providers” under Business, and click the “Export as Spreadsheet” button.

You’ll see a green confirmation banner appear stating “Your spreadsheet is being generated, once it has been generated it will appear in the Generated Reports folder in “Documents.” You will be able to continue working within Healthie while the report is generated. This will generate a CSV file containing information on your referring providers within Healthie.

You can easily import contacts into your Referral List by contacting the Healthie team. Send us an email to and our Support Team will assist you with the import.


Faxing with other healthcare providers can be a powerful way to build referral partnerships – this could be with local physicians, therapists, fitness centers, and other nutritionists. Here are some best practices we have seen, when it comes to using e-faxing to build business and drive growth.

Have clients sign a medical release form

In order to be HIPAA-compliant, it’s important to obtain written consent from your client for each healthcare provider that you want to share information with. You (and the provider you’re communicating with) should both obtain a written consent form.

Download a Sample Medical Release Form

E-fax Chart Notes to other healthcare providers after a session

Nurture relationships with referral partners and maintain good communication. Not only is this best practice when it comes to providing the best possible care for your clients, but referral partners will appreciate your close communication and follow-up reports.

This extends to chart notes, lab reports, and other documents in a client’s file. We recommend to E-fax chart notes within 48 hours of a client session.

Publish your E-fax number, so that it is easy to find

Include your e-fax number on business cards and other promotional materials for your business. List your e-fax line on your website, so it’s easy for others to locate. 

Sharing Healthie Resources with Other Practitioners

Aside from E-fax, there are a number of other ways to share your resources with other healthcare providers to gain clients and expand your referral network. 

Share a Promo Code for A Specific Office

One way to gain clients from a referring provider is to give the provider a promo code to offer to any clients who may want to work with you. Promo codes are an extremely effective and popular marketing tool that allow providers to track client sources of referral and incentivize their services to potential clients. 

With Healthie, you can offer promotional codes as both a percentage off or a dollar amount off, and customize the name and amount off of a package. Moreover, you can tailor a promo code to apply to some or all payments of a recurring package, and establish an expiration date in order to encourage time-sensitive sign ups for your services. 

Share a QR Code with Other Providers

With Healthie, you can obtain individual links for your packages, as well as calendar links for clients to book independently. While you certainly have the option of sharing this link with your referral network, an easier option is to generate a QR code for this link that providers can share with their clients, post around their office, or place in brochures or on business cards. 

To create your QR code, identify the URL in which you want to direct clients. Then, you can use a free QR code generator, including: QR Code Generator and QR Code Generator (and modifier).  

Create a Phone or Video Call “Appointment Type” for Healthcare Providers 

Connect with other healthcare providers for referral & partnership opportunities by creating a special appointment type for a phone or video call. You can put a unique booking link on your website, social media pages, emails, and other marketing materials so that other healthcare providers can book time to speak with you directly. 

You can also edit the Appointment Confirmation email template for this unique appointment type within Healthie, so that prior to the appointment, you can provide more information about you and your business to potential referral contacts. 

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