Zoom: Frequently Asked Questions

Healthie's direct integration with HIPAA-compliant Zoom comes with several features and capabilities designed to create engaging video calls and webinars. Some of these features are automatically included within Healthie's direct integration with Zoom, others can be enabled for your account on request. You can review Zoom capabilities that are available (or not available) via Healthie here

Our integration with Zoom is available to all members on Plus Plan and above. By default this integration is active for your account (view your integrations). You do not need a personal Zoom account or subscription, and you do not need to take any action to enable Zoom.

Below you'll find answers and additional resources related to commonly asked Zoom questions. 

What is the max number of meetings I can schedule in one day?

Please note that Zoom has a limit of 100 meetings per provider per day. For context, if you have an Organization admin or an API user scheduling on behalf of a provider at your Organization, they can only schedule 100 meetings that day. Those meetings can be spread throughout the following days/weeks, but if they are all scheduled on the same day, the admin or API user will hit that limit and Zoom won’t generate a link. This is a Zoom limitation, not a Healthie limitation.

Can I enable a personal Zoom room for my account? 

At this time, Healthie creates unique Zoom links for every appointment for HIPAA compliance. As a technology company, we implement adequate Technical Safeguards, Administrative Safeguards, and Physical Safeguards to ensure that our customers are always protected. As each meeting has its own unique ID, it is not possible to maintain a standard room ID with Zoom via Healthie. 

Do I need to purchase Zoom separately, outside of Healthie? 

No, your Healthie membership comes with Zoom integrated, and you do not need to purchase an account separately. If you have an existing Zoom account, you can continue to use it if you'd like, outside of Healthie (though you may find that you do not need to keep your external Zoom membership). 

Can I access my Zoom login? 

At this time, it is not possible for providers to access their Zoom logins via Healthie. As Healthie offers a direct integration with Zoom, any requests to manage your account (or enable more advanced Zoom settings) must be made by sending us an email at hello@gethealthie.com. 

Our direct integration ensure that providers do not need to have their own separate/personal Zoom account in order to use HIPAA-compliant Zoom (as well as no additional fees for Zoom). 

Do participants need a Healthie login to access the Zoom session? 

No, this is recommended, but not required. You can share the Client Link to Join with participants that are not on Healthie, and they will be able to access the session.

Is there a time limit to Zoom meetings via Healthie? 

Your Zoom meeting via Healthie has no time-limit, and you are able to run meetings for as long as you'd like. 

What is the max number of participants in a Zoom session via Healthie? 

The maximum number of participants is 100 at once.  

Can I require a password for my Zoom session? 

No, at this time it is not possible to require a password for your Zoom session. However, every Zoom meeting link is unique to your session.  

Can I default all my telehealth sessions to use Zoom? 

Yes! You can adjust your telehealth settings so that all video calls will default to Zoom. Learn how here

Will participants be able to engage with me and others during a session? 

You can turn on / off the ability for clients to see each other during your Zoom session, depending on how you'd like to conduct the meeting. For example, if you would like to run a Zoom session as a lecture, you can enable your video, but disable client video and audio.

If you'd like to facilitate a collaborative, sharing conversation, then you can enable clients to turn on camera / microphone access. 

Can I get a dial-in number for a Zoom appointment?

Yes, learn more about getting the dial-in details for a Zoom call here

Will I be able to share my screen during a Zoom meeting via Healthie? 

Yes, you are able to share your screen. Learn how to do so here.

Can I record my webinar or session? 

If you conduct a video chat, group session, or webinar through Zoom, you are able to record it for future access.

Yes, you can record sessions in Zoom via Healthie. Learn how here. You can also elect to share these with clients

Can I use Zoom waiting rooms with Healthie? 

Absolutely. You can enable this setting at any time by going to your settings. Follow the steps here

How can I control the camera and microphone of participants? 

As the host of the meeting, you can control the camera and microphone of participants. Here is some information on how to do so. 

Can I stream my Zoom session on Facebook? 

At this time, it is not possible for providers to stream simultaneously on Facebook / Facebook Live, due to security restrictions in using the HIPAA-compliant version of Zoom. Review which settings can (and cannot) be enabled here.

Can I enable more Zoom settings for my account?

Yes, there are more settings that can optionally be enabled for your Zoom account via Healthie. Review which settings can (and cannot) be enabled here.

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