Getting Started: Plus Plan

Healthie's Plus plan enables providers to scale their core business, and in particular, offer value-add services to clients, with the goal of bolstering engagement, introducing group services, webinars, and videos, and building and distributing courses to clients. Providers also have a unique E-fax number to communicate with other healthcare providers. 

Plus Plan starts at $129/month, with a 10% discount available when paying annually.

Ready to get started? Start a free 14 day trial today. During your trial, you can access all of Healthie core & premium features. Cancel at anytime, no questions, and no charges.

Plus Plan Features

In addition to Healthie's core features, the Plus Plan comes with our premium features & integrations. 

  • Programs: Build and distribute courses to your clients, automatically send forms to clients on a pre-defined schedule, automate a weekly survey, share videos with clients. 
  • Group Video Chat (via Zoom): You will have access to a HIPAA-compliant subscription of Zoom, directly integrated with your Healthie calendar. You can book group webinars, one-on-one sessions, record presentations, and store recordings locally. 
  • Direct Claim Submission to Office Ally: Automatically submit claims that have been created in Healthie to Office Ally
  • Branding: E-mails will contain links to your social media accounts and your company logo. You can also customize the side dashboard of the web platform with your company logo and color.
  • Color code appointments on Healthie's calendar: Have different colors to indicate appointment status/type or other configurations of your choosing. 
  • E-fax: Request a unique number to communicate digitally with physicians and other healthcare stakeholders, most commonly used for chart notes, referrals, lab reports. 
  • E-labs: Healthie's E-labs feature enables providers to offer, and clients to purchase, Quest labs directly within the Healthie platform, and fully electronically, to save providers time and the need to navigate to external platforms.  

How to Get Started with Plus Plan

If you're new to Healthie, we invite you to review all of our plans & pricing. When you're ready to get started, you can begin your free 14 day trial. During your trial, our team is here to support you & help you enroll in the best plan for your business. 

For members, you can message over live chat (click the chat icon on the bottom right-hand side of your Healthie account or the main Healthie website) or email us to discuss changes to your membership. 

Want to save on your Healthie membership? Save 10% on a membership when you pay annually. Manage your Healthie subscription payment terms here or  send us an email us to switch to annual. 

Once you've signed up for your plan, we recommend leveraging the following free resources to set up your account & make the most of your membership: 

Available Member Resources

You can always find support & assistance with any Healthie membership. Find ways to learn about the platform or request support: 

Join our free Live Classes on making the most of Healthie - there is no limit. In particular, we highly recommend Plus members join the deep-dive classes on Programs and Telehealth/Webinars to help you get started with these features. Join a Live Class - Sign up 

  • Find pre-recorded Healthie feature videos on Healthie University 
  • Use the HELP button at the bottom-right of your account when logged into Healthie 
  • Email us for support at 
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