Web White-Label

Healthie's full web white-label offers a branded, customizable web platform for providers and clients. Health tech organizations leverage our web white-label to offer a branded solution while prioritize developer resources on other items.

Healthie's Web White-Label is available as an add-on to our Enterprise Plan. Many organizations elect to use Healthie's web white label alongside the mobile white-label and API products

Overview: Web White-Label

With Healthie's full web-white label, Healthie is skinned with your brand. There is no mention of Healthie on your provider and client experience, except in terms of use. A full web white-label can be thought of as two categories: Branding Elements and Additional Customizations. Below we break out the available options within both categories.

If you currently use Healthie's web white-label and would like to complete or review your branding questionnaire with us, please email hello@gethealthie.com.

URLs and Emails

You designate: 

  • Sign in page URL (popular to post this on website & social media)
  • Platform URL (e.g., app.yourcompanyname.com)
    • We recommend creating a subdomain from your primary company organization website or create a separate URL entirely (we have seen both instances)
  • E-mail address used for transactional e-mails that Healthie sends on your behalf


  • Upload links for hosted documents within Healthie will continue to contain /healthie in the URL, these links cannot be white-labeled at this time.

Logo Use

Your brand questionnaire will ask for several versions of your logo, that are used in various places throughout the web (and mobile if relevant) platform. Here is some information on where these logos are used:

  • Standard Logo: This will appear on Sign In Pages and on the Client and Provider Web Dashboard
  • Favicon: This will appear as the browser icon when someone accesses your web platform  (example below). We recommend using an icon / logo as your favicon, without words or your business name. 


Healthie has an default icon library to choose from, and we can discuss which icons (ie. within the navigation) you would like to replace.


Primary color:

  • This color replaces the "Healthie navy" that you see on the left navigation panel when you first log into Healthie.
  • We recommend selecting a shade that is visible against white / light text

Secondary color:

  • This color is used for fonts within the Healthie platform
  • We recommend selecting a light shade that is visible against your primary color

If you currently use Healthie's web white-label and would like to complete or review your branding questionnaire with us, please email hello@gethealthie.com.

Additional Customizations 

See list below for other customizations available with the web white-label. 

  • Leverage Healthie's sub-organization layers for advanced administration
  • Send e-mails from your domain
  • Make some adjustments to e-mails sent from Healthie
  • Connect your Twilio account to SMS reminders
  • Brand your website embeds
  • Update the icons and words of each sidebar item (e.g., change "Programs" to "Education")
  • Add or Remove URLs in your Navigation Side Bar
  • Integrate Healthie with Google Tag Manager
  • Integrate Healthie with Mixpanel
  • Access our integrations suite with marketing and sales tools, wearables and devices, etc.
  • Access information in Healthie via SFTP
  • Add a Single-Sign-On (SSO) for clients or other org members that may log into existing software you have
  • Access your Sendgrid account to pull information on e-mail deliverability
  • Hide/Remove Healthie features that you do not plan to use
  • Customize the "What can Healthie do for you" page
  • Link to your Mobile Apps in the bottom of e-mails sent from Healthie if you also have the mobile white-label
  • Fitbit: Use your own URL connection string to prevent "authorizing with Healthie" from displaying on client end (note: requires configuration & set up on your end to enable this)
  • Google & Outlook Calendar Whitelabel: Instead of showing "Do you authorize Healthie to access your calendar", Healthie will be replaced with your brand name; to set this up, you will need to create a Google OAuth Application with Google, run through the approval process, and share your credentials with Healthie
  • Customize the client confirmation screen after a client completes your onboarding paperwork
    • "What can Healthie do for you" page
    • We can remove those buttons and update the verbiage, update the buttons so it links out to other URLs
  • Add an intake form to your package link, which allows you to collect more information from a client during the time of a package purchase (e.g., address, zip code, COVID-19 questionnaire)
  • Customize your package links to have a price of "Free" but require a client credit card on file (e.g., for no-show fees)
  • Add an iframe to your Program that is built within Healthie (e.g., you want to integrate a Jotform into a program built within Healthie)
  • Modify your package links to show a price, but remove the requirement that clients be prompted to enter a credit card. This is useful as an example, if you have organizational requirements to run payments through your existing POS system, and/or you need to charge for service at the time of appointment (and cannot charge before), e.g., for medical services
  • Configure the time when a user is automatically logged out of Healthie (ie. adjust it from the default of 1 hour). This advanced setting is available for members who have purchased the semi or full white-label add-on. Email hello@gethealthie.com to request this setting be enabled for your account.

Customizations Not Yet Supported

Here are some requests we receive that currently cannot be supported. However, we encourage you to make a request for these items by adding an insight to our Product Portal here.

  • Tertiary brand colors (only primary and secondary supported)
  • We do not currently support the ability to change the home page of the web white-label for clients or providers. This includes the fact that you cannot point the home page to another screen within the UI
  • It is not currently possible to adjust the Typography (Font) within the Healthie web portal or mobile app. 

Branding Examples

Here are samples of what the web platform will look like when while-label branded: 

Here is a screenshot of what the client experience will look like: 

Re-branding Support

Healthie can support your company re-branding if you are on a web or mobile white-label. This entails updating your branding questionnaire and specifications (ie. change in colors, update in logo, etc). If you need assistance with updating your white-label / branded elements, please e-mail hello@gethealthie.com

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