Hiding or Removing Features from Your Account

As part of Healthie's web white-label and mobile white-label, we can help you hide certain features that Healthie offers, because they are not applicable to your business. 

This advanced configuration is only available to members who have added on white-labeling to their membership. 

Examples of Hidden

Here are examples of features that some Organizations have elected to turn off, remove, and/or hide: 

  • Billing: You are a nonprofit that offers services to clients for free, or you offer services to a corporate wellness program, where the organization pays you centrally via invoice.
  • Journal entries: You are able to self-customize within your account how you would like to enable or disable journal entries, and which type of entries you would like to track. Learn how to disable client journaling
  • Disable Chat: Your are able to self-customize within your account the option for clients to message with their healthcare provider(s). Learn how to disable chat
  • Programs: If you do not use the Programs feature, and have not set this up, Clients will not see Programs on their end (on web and mobile)


Some features are interdependent with others, so when coordinating with our team to remove or hide a feature, we may recommend a modified use of the feature, in order to ensure that it does not negatively affect the experience of another feature that you do want to use. 

Set Up

If you are interested in hiding features that exist within Healthie, please email hello@gethealthie.com with the subject line "Hide Feature" and we will help you get this set up. 

Please include in your note the feature that you would like to hide, and any additional requests for our team. 

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