March 2021: Release Notes

Platform release notes: March 2021. Learn what new changes to the Healthie platform and mobile app that both providers and clients can expect to see. With new releases each week, make the most of Healthie's new features by bookmarking this help article and checking back frequently! 

March Releases:

Anatomical Charting 

Anatomical charting offers a visual and textual overview of patient pain (or problem areas) and provides an easy-to-understand tool for patient interaction with healthcare professionals. Physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and other wellness providers who work with patients via hands-on care, can have patients electronically complete Healthie's Anatomical Charting field. 

Add an anatomical drawing feature to your charting or intake notes -- or create your own standalone form. Learn more

Unopened e-Fax Notification

Within your list of received e-Faxes, providers will now see a blue indicator dot next to any faxes that have note been open/viewed. Once the fax is opened/viewed, the blue indicator will automatically disappear. This update allows providers to quickly scan their list of faxes and differentiate between received faxes that have been opened/viewed or not. 

Addition of "Gender Identity" to Client Profile 

Inclusivity and sensitivity are important when working with patients. To help providers more appropriately document a client's gender, and gender identity, we've added a new option within the Client Profile > Actions > Client Info > Personal Information. 

Within the Gender field, you'll now see an "Other" option. When Other is selected, a new field for "Gender Identity" will appear. You can free text your client's gender identify within this field. 

Please note, there is a separate "Sex on File for Insurance" field, as insurance payers require a traditional selection on a CMS 1500 claim form. Clients will not see these gender fields or indicators. 

A forthcoming update will enable gender/identity information to be captured through a "Smart Field" within Healthie, which can be added to forms (ie. Intake or Charting forms) and will automatically update your client's profile. Learn more here

Additionally, we expect to release a field for preferred pronouns. These details will be added to the client's Quick Profile, for quick access by providers. 

Insurance Notes & Referrals 

Healthie's Insurance Authorization Tracker has been redesigned. The section of your client's profile, now called "Insurance Eligibility" contains important details regarding your clients insurance benefits. 

Healthie's Insurance Eligibility Tracker is an (optional) setting that enables you to keep track of critical insurance information related to a particular client's insurance coverage. This can be useful in understanding how many visits are approved for reimbursement, and how many have been utilized during a specific time period, to help manage and predict likelihood of insurance coverage for a particular client. Additionally you can keep track of a required referral, and indicate that a referral has been obtained for a client. 

A separated "Insurance Notes" section has been added to the client profile as well, for making any internal notes regarding your client's insurance. 

Learn more about Insurance Eligibility tracking here

Redesigned Package Embeds 

Healthie makes it easy to create sharable links (that can be embedded or sent as a link). Embed codes and sharing links can be created for a single package or multiple packages.

In this release, we've improved the way embedded packages look when added to your website, as well as your client's experience when purchasing. 

Forthcoming updates to package embeds will include the ability to customize colors within embeds & sharing link pages, and other customization options. 

Mobile Release 3.10.21

A new release on mobile has gone live for improve capability and experience on the mobile app, including: 

  • Ability to delete a chat message or mark a message as "unread" from the app 
  • When the "Eating Disorder" setting is enabled for a client, the food journaling quick reactions (emojis) that display by default for a provider will be the glasses "checked this out" emoji. For clients, emojis will not be visible unless a provider shares a reaction. The intention of this update is to improve sensitivity when working with eating disorder patients within the platform. 
  • Clients no longer need to open the Healthie app for Apple Health entires to be pulled into Healthie. An automatic sync will occur once daily to pull this information into Healthie (if client has enabled the integration). 

Group Appointment Waitlist

If you've created a Group Appointment type within Healthie, you have the option to set a "maximum number of attendees" that can book this session. If capacity is reached, clients will not see any availability for this appointment (rendering it not-bookable). To help providers maximize attendance for appointments, we've released an optional "Waitlist" setting for group appointments. 

When the "Waitlist" setting is enabled for an appointment type, if the appointment is fully booked, client will see a "Join Waitlist" option when attempting to book. If a client chooses to join the waitlist and a slot becomes available, the client will automatically be added the appointment (and receive a confirmation email). If more than one client has joined the waitlist, the available slot will be given out on a first come, first served basis. 

Learn more here

Added Detail to Client Notification History

To help you save time and resources in your business, Healthie helps to automate back-office tasks. Healthie intuitively (and automatically) sends notifications to your clients, such as email and SMS appointment reminders, appointment confirmations, purchase confirmations, and more. To help you oversee your record of sent client notifications, you can find a specific section within your client-profile that lists all such records. 

In our latest update, more detail & insights have been added surrounding automatic communications send on your behalf. For each type of communication (email, SMS, push) we've included several statuses. For example, you can now see which specific email was sent to your client (ie. an appointment confirmation email), and whether it was delivered or bounced. 

Below is a list of the additional statuses that are now visible: 

  • For an email notification:
    • Sent
    • Delivered
    • Bounced
  • For an SMS notification:    
    • Sent
    • Delivered
  • For a push notification:
    • Sent
    • Delivered

Inventory Management System

Inventory management is a good practice for any wellness business. If you are not keeping a watchful eye on your inventory or counting stock regularly, you are setting yourself up for potential inventory errors and challenges.

Healthie now enables practitioners to add products to an internal inventory system, and subsequently bundle these products into packages for sale & automatic inventory tracking. Navigate to Billing > Products to get started. 

Shapa/ClearStep Integration 

Healthie integrates with Shapa/ClearStep products to enable providers to seamlessly view client records for key health metrics, directly within Healthie. Here are some of the products that your clients may use, and can sync via our integration: 

  • ClearStep Scale: A numberless scale for clients, a powerful tool for providers. This entirely numberless virtual weight monitoring tool enables a provider to monitor weight trends as the end user sees zero feedback on weight in the digital app. 
  • Shapa BP: A wireless blood pressure monitor and digital app that allows a client to take a blood pressure reading and see their measurement result immediately. 
    • As an alternate option, Shapa BP offers a two-week numberless experience where a client takes measurements, receives no immediate feedback, and Shapa calculates the average BP for that individual.
    • Can be used as an ambulatory BP monitoring and diagnostic tool for providers monitoring blood pressure to screen for white coat effect and masked hypertension
  • Shapa Scale: A numberless, screenless scale that pairs with a digital app to provide feedback on the weight trend towards a client’s personal weight goal. Feedback is provided through a patented 5-color feedback model looking at the client’s weight trend to inform them if their weight trend is heading towards the desired goal. 

To enable this integration and allow your clients to sync their Shapa/ClearStep devices, please email us

Additional Updates

  • Minor bug fixes
  • SMS appointment reminders to clients will display the appointment time in client's timezone 
  • More insights when "bulk archiving" clients 
  • When creating a CMS-1500 claim, the "Billing Provider" selected will save as the default for this client on future claims
  • More details added to "failed payment" > allowing providers to better understand why a payment was unable to be completed
  • Improvements of telehealth experience in full-screen mode for Safari users
  • Promo codes that make a package "free" will no longer require a client to provide their credit card details to purchase
  • Packages that have a price of $0 will no longer have a promo code field shown to clients. 
  • Ability for clients to get a package without having to pay for it upfront (Charge immediately optional box).
  • Improvements to the appointment confirmation email that clients receive, with clearer prompts for confirming their appointment. 

Past and Planned Updates

View all updates from last month here

See planned product updates on our Product Roadmap

Have a feature request for our team? You can share your requests by emailing us at or by adding/voting for your requests on Feature Upvote.

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