Suggested Scenarios To Test Via Your Client Account

In order to prepare for working with your clients on Healthie, we recommend considering all types of scenarios that you may encounter. In addition to adding yourself as a test client in order to sample the client experience in Healthie, it may be helpful to consider the different workflows that you may need to execute once you begin adding your active clients. 

Below, you’ll find several scenarios and solutions, from typical client workflows to less common occurrences, which may be helpful to consider when preparing to take on real clients. 

Everyday Client Scenarios to Test

Booking Sessions as a Client

Clients have the option to book sessions outside of, as well as within, their Healthie portal. You can learn more about where the client books within their portal, how to reschedule or cancel an appointment, and how to view upcoming appointments here: Book an appointment with a provider

As the provider, you can restrict clients from booking appointments within their portal via the Client Portal Settings.

Completing Intake Flows and Forms as a Client

You can automatically request that your clients complete intake forms when they begin working with you, via intake flows. It may be helpful, as the provider, to test out your intake flow via your test client account to ensure you are familiar with how the client receives this and their view while completing these forms. 

You can, at any time, also preview an intake flow via your provider profile. Keep in mind, however, that clients will also receive an email notification for the intake flow, and will be required to complete an intake flow before accessing the rest of their client portal. 

Joining a Video Call as a Client

In order to get the full client experience and understand what your Telemedicine clients will be seeing when they work with you, we recommend joining a mock video call from your client test account. This should be done via both the web app, and the mobile app, as your variety of clients may join via a combination of the two. 

You can find assistance on how to do this via this client facing resource, and share it with your clients as needed: Join a Video Call

Charging Clients for a Service

When it comes to charging clients for your services, there are several workflow options available within Healthie. From automatic charging to sending a client invoice, Healthie supports whichever billing workflows work best for your organization. 

We recommend considering the following billing options, and walking through the related workflow so that you are prepared to charge clients: 

  • Manually Charge a Client for a One-Time Payment - this option allows you to manually process a charge for a client at any time, so long as they have their billing information on file.
  • Scheduled Payments - in any case where you would like to schedule a payment for a future date, you can do so via the Payments page or via Client Packages when charging for a package. 
  • Automatically Charge Clients for an Appointment - with this option, a payment will automatically be scheduled after the provider marks an appointment status as “occurred”. 
  • Up-front Payment via Client Packages - to collect an upfront payment from a client for an appointment or any other service, you can include the service within a client package. 
  • Invoice Clients - If you or a client prefers to send an invoice to the client for them to pay on their end, you can easily create and send an invoice for any of your services. 
  • Insurance Billing (CMS1500 & Superbills) - Healthie makes creating, submitting, and sharing insurance forms easy, whether it is submitting a CMS1500 form to your clearinghouse or providing a client with a superbill. You can use the above self-pay options in combination with this in order to collect payment for any cost sharing or non-covered services. 
  • Refund a Client Payment - in the case that a refund to a client is needed, you can easily trigger and process refunds directly within Healthie. 

Miscellaneous Client Scenarios to Prepare For

Client is a No-Show for an Appointment

In the case that your client does not join or show for their appointment at the time of the session, you will want to be prepared with steps to take. Here are a few workflows to consider if a no-show does occur, and proactive steps to prevent it:

  • Send a direct Chat message via Healthie to inquire about them joining their sessions and/or share steps to join their sessions.
  • Call the phone number listed in their profile to inquire about them joining their sessions and/or share steps to join their sessions.
  • Create a No Show Policy - this may include a no-show fee that you may choose to charge for missed appointments.
  • Ensure that Appointment Reminders are enabled in your appointment settings to prevent no-shows. 
  • If the client ultimately does not show for their appointment, change the appointment status to “No-Show” so that you can reference the status at a later date and/or on appointment reports. 

Client Cancels an Appointment Last Minute

Here are processes to consider in order to prepare for, and prevent, clients from canceling an appointment in close proximity to the session start date and time:

Trouble Joining a Telehealth Session

We recommend familiarizing yourself with the following troubleshooting guides, in the case that you, a provider, or one of your clients is having trouble joining a virtual appointment:

You may also share the following client resources with your clients prior to their appointment, or at any time:

Here are a couple of items to keep in mind, if troubleshooting this issue with a client at the time of their call:

  • If using Zoom, the client will receive the Zoom link within the appointment confirmation and reminder emails. You may also copy the client link from your calendar at any time, and share it with them directly/externally, or via Chat, if needed. *Please ensure that you give clients the "Client Link" to join Zoom if sharing manually, NOT  "Your Link".

  • If using Healthie Video calls, your client will need to log into their Healthie account to access the video call link. You can direct them to log in here: or via your branded URL link. If they are having trouble logging in from there, see the following section for log-in troubleshooting. 

Client is Having Trouble Logging Into Their Healthie Account

Clients can log into their Client Portal from either the web browser or mobile app. This can be done after they have set up their client account via their initial email invitation. If they are in need of login assistance at any time, you can share the following information with them: 

If they are having issues logging into your Client Portal, follow the instructions here to reset your password. The username is their email address on file. If they are having technical issues accessing your account, please have them email for Client Portal Support. 

Client Didn’t Complete Their Intake Flow Prior to an Appointment

For many providers, it may be important that clients fill out their intake flow forms prior to an appointment. There are a few functionalities within Healthie that optimize the likelihood of clients completing their intake flows, and allow the provider or organization member to assist the client in the case that they have not completed necessary forms.

  • In order to send an automated reminder for incomplete intake flows prior to an appointment, toggle on the “Client Intake Form Reminder” under your Appointment Alert settings.
  • There may be instances where a request needs to be resent to a client (for example, if they had the wrong email address on file) - In these cases, you can manually Resend Intake Forms.
  • In the case that a client needs assistance in completing an intake form or flow, or haven’t filled them out at the time of service, an organization member or provider may fill out a form on the client’s behalf. We recommend determining and reviewing your team’s processes with all relevant organization members to prepare for these potential scenarios. 
  • You may “Skip” any intake required forms for your client if needed, so that they are able to complete the intake form and access their portal/session without completing their intake flow. 

Client Needs Billing Information Added or Updated

In order to charge a client for a service manually or automatically, they will need to have billing information added to their profile. It is advised that you are familiar with the following workflows in order to collect or update this info:

A Provider Has a Technical Concern Regarding Healthie

For all technical concerns, organization members may reach out to our support team at or by clicking on the “? Help” button in the bottom right hand corner of your account. 

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